so why is it so bad

every one i talk to says it sucked but i thought it was a good film so whats so wrong with it critics of america? hmmmmmmm?

The Road...YES!!!


it WAS a good film, but people just don't realize directors want to have a certain spectrum of genres and styles they want to discover. This film is neither mystery nor does it have a twist in the end. It's just a nice little fairy tale and in my opinion it deserves the same respect as Pan's Labyrinth (which is a better film, but still this one is in the same league).



huh mayby i havent examened it enough ive only seen it twice

The Road...YES!!!


But it had so many invariable 'twists' LOL .

Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock.
-Sigmund Freud


the twists really felt like he just pulled them out of his ass-no coherence, no sense at all-that is why it's truly awful. Even fairy tales must make sense!


Even fairy tales must make sense!

What's sense is there in someone being brought to life by a kiss? That's what happens in most fairy tales. They're inherently nonsensical.


I agree. I think its just the script and the dialogue that lets it down. The dialogue was really *beep* but it was a nice story. The words were telling you the backstory. We dont want them to tell us everything with dialogue. We wanna see some stuff too. You dont go up to someone and say. "Hello Mike, I'm Sam. I own three cats and used to play rugby in 1976. I was doing gymnastics at the same time. How has your day been?" cos your just telling the audience everything that they need to know. You gotta show them!! :)


I agree. Shyamalan uses exposition as if he's written a radio play. Meanwhile, he seems to have skipped those film school classes where we work on several alternative ways to "Show, don't tell" and move the story or mood along using pictures instead of words.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!




Most of your post is "utter rubbish". You give reasons as to why you didn't like the movie, but you never say WHY it's rubbish.


The reasons are really one and the same; genius. And even if they weren't; it can at least be inferred from johnludley-1 post that the specific reasons for being such a failure were plot, script, chars, miscast, acting, misprojection, unoriginality, and misjudgement. So actually, the only one uttering rubbish here is YOU!..


Wow, angry much over a two and a half year post? No, they are not one and the same "genius". I can infer from him as to the reasons he thinks the movie is rubbish, but he never states WHY the mythology, acting, motivations, etc. are rubbish. What is it about these things leads him to think they are rubbish? I have no problems with anyone disliking this film, but I would rather read a thoughtful and concise response to the film as opposed to just dismissing the film as "utter rubbish".


I have no problems with anyone disliking this film, but I would rather read a thoughtful and concise response to the film as opposed to just dismissing the film as "utter rubbish".


but that is precisely the way it IS in the American Beauty, ie the more J Doe is dumbed down BY the Beauty the more angry he gets and blasts out at anyone wanting to actually "have a discussion".

it's just part of the Beauty and a big blob of Not Invented Here Syndrome


You're right. Since the 6th sense Shylaman has only produced "crap".


His other films feel exactly the same as sixth sense, have the same high standard of quality (except for the wind noises in The Happening). I don't get how you can like the Sixth Sense and not like the other films when they are so very much the same in every sense but the story. They pull you along with the same force, they all have super-realistic deep-connection acting, they are all genre pics, they all have that attraction that pulls you into the film going on in every scene so that no matter when I happen to come across one of his films they immediately pull me in...

Yeah they advertised Lady in the Water wrong, yes there was like 1 technical problem with The Happening. The Village plot meant that the first time you watched the film you wondered why all these older actors seemed to be acting while the younger ones seemed more natural (was that a brave choice or a stupid one?). To me these few things don't destroy my outlook on his films and I am always looking forward to his next endeavour.


I don't get how you can like the Sixth Sense and not like the other films when they are so very much the same in every sense but the story.

I'm not sure about this particular film as I haven't seen it, and I'm not sure if the marketing part of it has anything to do with him or his influence however I think 'The Sixth Sense' was marketed in the correct genre, it followed a storyline and the plot twist was extremely relevant in a sense that it didn't take away from the entire genre of the film.

In 'The Village' (as far as I can recall, since I last watched it over 9 years ago) the film was marketed and portrayed as being a horror film and it ran with that feeling and motion until several twists and turns occurred actually rendering that film more suitably classified as a 'romantic drama'.

Having seen 'The Happening' (again - a while ago) the concept and the undeniably clever premise for the movie was good, though that movie also fell from sitting in one category and to be honest I don't know where that ended up, I remember watching it and thinking 'Wow… That's the punchline? I've been watching this movie for how long, and THAT'S THE TWIST?"

I guess what I am trying to say is that a lot of the time his concepts are good (can be for 10mins / can be for half movie or more), but then he strays from his initial vision and gives us a twist that either doesn't flow with the initial portrayal or it's just so weak and by that stage combined with other elements of unrealistic dialog & bad acting from some professionals who would be brilliant in any other film - we just come to the conclusion that no twist could save the film, but it could make it even worse….

This is coming from someone who enjoyed the Sixth Sense, but rated both 'The Happening' and 'The Village' with 2/10 ratings - PURELY for reasons above.

Singer/Songwriter - Aspiring Actress/Model From Australia


it WAS a good film, but people just don't realize directors want to have a certain spectrum of genres and styles they want to discover. This film is neither mystery nor does it have a twist in the end. It's just a nice little fairy tale and in my opinion it deserves the same respect as Pan's Labyrinth (which is a better film, but still this one is in the same league).


"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


so whats so wrong with it critics of america? hmmmmmmm?

Here's a link for you:


It's not a bad film. In fact, its made exceptionally well. The script isn't perfect, but you'll find much worse in any theater you go to at any time. The movie has fantastic acting and AMAZING music... these two things alone cancel out the possibility of it being a "bad" film. They might not be enough to make it a great film... but it's definitely not bad.




i completly respect that answer, i never really saw the previews so when i saw it i took it for what it was and it was good to me

The Road...YES!!!


The best things about this movie are

1. The way M. NIght anticipated bad press and got his dig in against film critics first

2. The way the movie defies convention and refuses to stick to a conventional film-making template.

However, its flaw is - how are the audience supposed to believe that grown men would fall for the idea that they're to help a character from a fairy tale home/or even believe in the notion of a girl appearing from a legend in the first place. There's no explanation of how everyone just goes along with it.

Thus, the film plays like an hour and fifty slice of self-indulgence on M. Night's part, a theory underlined by the fact that he casts himself as a world-rocking writer whose works go on to change the world for the better.


I don't even think that's a flaw. Most people want to be like kids again. They want to believe. Unrealistic, sure, but there's a hint of truth in it. And it goes along with the themes of the movie.


Really? That's the flaw? Do you simply reject every sci-fi and fantasy story ever? Because that's basically your argument.


its flaw is - how are the audience supposed to believe that grown men would fall for the idea that they're to help a character from a fairy tale home/or even believe in the notion of a girl appearing from a legend in the first place. There's no explanation of how everyone just goes along with it..
Uh... religion?


Most good sci-fi or fantasy movies at least have something to convince the characters that the reality they knew has a layer they didn't know about before or that reality is different in some way from how they had seen it.

For Heep and the writer that was true, they felt differently or had seen something that made them believe.

For all the others there was a strange naked (have my shirt, but no pants for you girlie.) scared girl and the wild stories told by the maintenance guy and some nobody foreigner and his sister.

He didn't do himself any favors throwing in a totally unnecessary scene with the snotty critic murder either.

He's not a great actor, and casting himself as the writer didn't raise the caliber of the movie.

I could go on and on of course, and I'm sure there are film theory classes that have a field day with this movie.

If You're Failing to Plan,
You're Planning to Fail.


LOL so true!!


I loved Lady in the Water. It's one of my all-time favorite films. As for certain viewers expecting a horror flick, I don't get that. Yes, there was one preview that seemed to present the movie as a horror flick, but I saw a preview for it that definitely didn't present it that way. The preview I saw (is one of the BEST trailers I've ever seen, by the way), was set to a Josh Groban song, and had only scenes from the movie playing, while the song played. It was done so beautifully, it gave me chills. That preview was more accurate, in giving it an air of beauty and mystery. Anyone who saw THAT preview, and still expected a scary horror film, wasn't paying attention. Anybody else see the trailer I'm talking about, and did you love it as much as I did?? I still get chills when I watch it (on the DVD).


"Anyone who saw THAT preview, and still expected a scary horror film, wasn't paying attention."

Don't get irritated about it, it's just the way people are attempting to rationalize why others don't like the film. I saw the same trailer you did and had to reserve judgment because I didn't feel like there was enough information being given. That said, the film failed to impress me on any level.


unbreakable wasn't horror or advertised as such and people generally accept that as one of his better films. seems as though his movies just aren't as good. i do agree though that advertising is the reason the village bombed.


I completely agree. If the films were marketed for what they were, rather than misrepresenting the true nature of the content and masking it with the label of outright horror, it might be able to target the right demographic. I doubt half or even a quarter of the kids in America saw Lady in the Water, even though it was a bedtime story.


Ok, I am going to argue this a bit. Yes, marketing largely gives movie fans the wrong expectations for his films, as is the case for The Village(which I liked allot). But this was not a good movie in my own opinion. The mythology feels forced and random. Since he couldn't think of any other way of explaining it in an interesting way, he has all the exposition explained by an obnoxious side character (the asian raver girl). That was a really LAZY story telling move and seemed unnecessary after the opening animation.. As the movie went on I kept asking myself, WHO CARES, WHO CARES, WHO CARES. The guy building up half his body? What? Really? Why?
The only thing I really liked about the film was Paul Giamatti's(sp?) character.. The rest was a train wreck. HOWEVER, I do commend M Night for putting himself out there and coming up with new original ideas in the days of remakes and unnecessary sequels.. So to me this is the type of bad movie only a good director could have made. He thought he was doing something original and cool and he ended up with an awkward Frankenstein of a movie.

"some movie quote"


I too am not a fan of overuse of exposition. Shyamalan didn't have to use it much, if at all, in The Sixth Sense or Signs. It was used to explain the twists in Unbreakable (a bit) and Village (a ton). A more skillful writer could have made those moves work without the epilogue "OK, here's what happened, you dummies....".

But becase Lady in the Water is so goofy, there needs to be a running stream of exposition throughout: "OK, none of this story makes any sense or flows from one point to another, so here's some exposition to explain what we're doing right now". Lazy story telling: yes. Unnecessary after the opening montage: maybe, maybe not. WHO CARES, WHO CARES, WHO CARES: absolutely. When the players are just pawns, we cannot care about them. We can scrape the barrel's bottom to find a message to enjoy, but movies should provide a fuller experience than that.

My UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL don't work. Ain't no evidence it helps me control the universe AT ALL!


Agreed! Couldn't have said it better myself.. Though the exposition in The Village didn't bother me as much for some reason. Perhaps because it was explained through natural dialogue and flashback, rather then the "storytelling" in Lady in the Water.

"some movie quote"


Thank you for an amazing answer -
I thought the movie was awesome - great atmosphere, great acting, even great directing - yes, not a "Great" film - but I loved -
To hell with the critics who can't see a movie for what it is ... a great story.


I see nothing wrong with alienating idiots; in fact, I wish more writers and directors would aspire to this task. ;)

But I totally agree. The previews made it out to be a creepy movie, sure to be full of exciting and scary twists. He may be the master of "the twist," but c'mon folks -- that would be a really cheap gimmick unbefitting a man as talented as he is!

I crush your head!


I agree. There's so much ridiculous CGI-laden rubbish out there that folks are excited about and then an interesting movie like this comes along and everybody can't wait to gig it. I watch this movie every time it comes around on cable and get something new from it every time. How many movies can you say that about these days?


I watch this movie every time it comes around on cable and get something new from it every time. How many movies can you say that about these days?
I think that is amazing!

Not that there is more to find if you look, but that you would voluntarily put yourself through another viewing of this film. I guess I could in 10 years, but or the moment the memories are vivid enough to keep me well away from it.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!


The reason (I think) this was panned was because M. Night is attracting the wrong audience. Too many people expect his movies to be scary, and the studios promote that idea. The trailer for this and The Village promised scares when in reality, this was a wondeful and mystical fairy tale and The Village was more of a drama. Both films were nice, quirky, and orignial visions that deserve respect for their uniqueness, but his audience at this point remains low-IQ teens looking for cheap scares. It's simply a case of misunderstood expectations, as his name is too synonymous with horror. It's a shame, because this board attracts morons proclaiming this as the worst film of all time because they need their movies simple, obvious, and cliched. It seems you aren't allowed to do anything creative and different without alienating idiots.


"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


zealot 714 wrote: " It's not a bad film. In fact, its made exceptionally well. The script isn't perfect, but you'll find much worse in any theater you go to at any time. The movie has fantastic acting and AMAZING music... these two things alone cancel out the possibility of it being a "bad" film. They might not be enough to make it a great film... but it's definitely not bad."

That is one stupid argument.

What I'm guessing you mean is that the film is not worthless. But any film with a bad script and most other things good will not end up better than bad, a script being so central to the qualty to a film.
So, yes, "Lady in the Water" may well be a bad movie despite the fact the actors nd the music are good (which they are, in this case).

This being said, I might try to re-watch "Lady.." (or parts of it) because... it just left me incredibly puzzled.

This whole gimmick of the characters telling the story out loud and then the story unfolding as it was told (or not, depending on the case) or these incredibly tedious phone scenes between Giamatti and the two asian characters (mother and daughter)... it was just odd.

As for the end: I just didn't get the point, if there was any.


M Night making himself Jesus was unforgiveable


M Night making himself Jesus was unforgiveable

But he clearly doesn't do that, does he. If anything he makes himself John Lennon.

Also Jesus is a fictional character. So who gives a sh!t, right?


i'm sorry, but that is just dumb. fantastic acting (which wasn't fantastic at all in this case, except for Bryce, and a decent job by Paul) and a good score do not a good film make. a story that is barely coherent, runs off in different directions at any given moment, is inherently silly (it doesn't even try to take itself seriously) and involves far too many secondary (or tertiary) characters ruin this movie completely. "is it this guy? no, it's this guy! no, it's not - is it this guy?" my god, the "mistaken identity chase" was pretty much taken straight out of a pre-schoolers game of Guess Who.


The script. The concept. The direction. The production. The acting. The lighting. The cinematography. The special effects. The costumes. The audio. The catered food. The locations. The key grips. The assistants, electricians, carpenters, fluffers, gofers, flunkies and hanger-ons. It sucked from start to finish....and it could not have finished soon enough.



This isn't a bad film at all. Personally, I really like it and I re-watched it a few days ago and enjoyed it very much. Most people I know who don't like it say that they found it "boring" or "strange" but I think it was just like other posters have said, people expected it to be a horror/suspense film and instead it was a fairy tale. I liked the film for this reason, but others only want M. Night to make horror films, so I think that's why they didn't like it. I did notice some problems with the script, but the acting was so good that the less than perfect script really made no difference. This film is a testament to ignoring what critics say and judging a film for yourself.

The meaning of “nothing” was “I never told you that I inadvertently killed your father."


How bout this for an ending, cut to a young boy, picking up a book that will change the world.

Guess that's one more thing that could have been better about this movie.

If You're Failing to Plan,
You're Planning to Fail.


good thing you didn't mention Bryce Dallas Howard, because that was the only redeeming quality of this movie!


I thought the acting was great, but I didn't care about a single character, there was no emotional attachment for me. I felt there was too much scattered plot, that would have been better suited to a series. There was an obviously rich and well thought out mythology, which he seemed very passionate to tell us about, but it just didn't gel for me. Everything seemed a little haphazard, characters stumbled on to answers.

I think the reason critics panned it, was he panned a critic in the movie. The human antoganist was a critic, and a real nasty piece of work at that, it felt like a jab at anyone who didn't like his movies, or said anything bad about this movie, like a pre-emptive strike. Also the whole Messiah thing, it is a little arrogant to make yourself the writer who saves the world.

I went into this expecting to love it. I wasn't expecting a horror, I wasn't expecting a straight fantasy, I had a pretty much a clean slate going in. I didn't love it, I didn't hate it, but I doubt I would watch it again. It was a cool concept, just too muddled. Also I think it was one of those movies that the production problems outshinned the movie itself.

Still, there is much worse, and people are unreasonably harsh to this movie.

Happenstance has changed my plans





To "ImHungover"...

Thank you. You have absolutely taken the words out of my mouth. Bump. Super Bump.


This film was panned because it's masturbatory nonsense. It's two hours of incoherent free association fantasy writing. It's a story a five year old who has just seen his first fantasy film would scribble down during recess - a laughably random, meaningless mish-mash of tired fantasy ideas. This is not a "rich and well thought out mythology." It's condescending, pretentious garbage.

The characters are all one-dimensional pawns used only to move forward through the story. Yes, the critic "character" was written in anticipation of the reviews to this film. But even if he was not included, there is more than plenty to despise about this sloppy mess of a film. To say the whole Messiah thing is "a little arrogant" is being far too generous. It is such an obvious exercise in ego-stroking it's near unbearable to witness. The performances might have almost been watchable if the dialogue was not so excruciatingly awful. The scene where Paul Giamatti acts like a baby in front of the old Asian woman (i.e. racial caricature) made me sink so far into my seat I nearly fell onto the couple in front of me, who eventually, like most people in the theater, got up and left. For the sad few of us that remained, we were rewarded with a giant *beep* eagle. Worst film I've ever paid to see.
Nice writing, IH. Sounds like you had a truly memorable theater experience. That itself was worth $10, wasn't it? Something for the memoirs.

Hope you enjoyed "The Happening" even more!

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!


I think things were supposed to be haphazard and characters were supposed to stumble onto answers because they were figuring out things on their own. It is too bad you didn't realize this while watching the movie. I think he did a good job of acting and if people would get over themselves and let the character do the talking and not the fact he is also the director. Do we get mad at Kevin Smith for being Silent Bob?


I thought the movie was very good. I had seen the previews and having seen M. Knight's other films I expected it to be something other than it was. I think that is why people didn't like it. People expected it to be scary and have a huge twist at the end. I Like the idea of fairy tales in today's world when no one believes in them anymore. I came away from the movie feeling good.


Spoiler warning:
I can see why many people would not think much of this movie. There were many instances where tying seemingly unrelated or insignificant details together got a bit sloppy, unlike all of his previous movies (and I always felt this was MNS's major skill).

For example, I was convinced the half-muscle guy was going to play the role of the guardian, but there should have been some greater tie-in on why half of his body needed to be super strong (I envisioned him holding the beast by the scruff of the neck with his strong arm while his 'normally-developed' half did something else necessary for the scene to be believable). Also, the young son of the puzzle guy suddenly being the Translator was too conveniently deus ex machina-esque.

Compare that with how clever the 'by listening to the critic we were steered wrong' theme, which was a nice twist because everything up to that point seemed reasonable and logical, as far as the critic's advice went... or the twist of Giamatti being, not the Guardian, but the Healer (I call it a twist because by that time I had forgotten that he used to be doctor), the man who himself was in such need of healing, and because of his deep, deep grief being able to spiritually transfer that depth of feeling into saving the Angel, who in fact really wound up saving him, in the end ('thank you for giving me back my life' is how I believe he ended the movie). That's heavy stuff, and extremely moving, especially to those of us who are older and have children of our own.

I don't mind the bash at critics or the egocentric writer-whose-ideas-will-change-the-world stuff... I don't judge the movie based upon the director's personal life or motives... in fact, I thought the writer was very human and without the hubris that many here are accusing him of having as a director for playing that role himself... furthermore, I think Giamatti was playing a sort of John The Baptist role (unlike a previous poster who likened the writer to John The Baptist), because the writer himself will become a martyr.

All in all, if this movie is a failure, then it's a noble one. The fact that MNS tried something different, and it wasn't quite the same calibre as his previous work, is no reason to dismiss TLIW lightly.



My favorite M.Night movie is this, it's ambitious and done well, the acting is good and it's definately different.

I don't think Pan's labrynth is really comparable to this, Pan's Labrynth is a Darker Fantasy Story then this movie.


" Dude, he really didn't make it for a whole audience, he made it to tell a bedtime story that he told to his kids "

Thank you!! I was wondering if anyone was gonna mention that fact. I personally think that it was really nice of M.N.S. to do that. I give him props. Plus, I really liked this film. It's totally different from just about anything you'll ever watch. However, The Happening is just garbage.

" The Earth was blue, but there was no God "---- Yuri Gagarin



The story is absolute tosh. Complete rubbish. The whole fairytale and names of the beasts etc. is juvenile.

As for the script....words fail me.


ImHungover, I think this qualifies you as a better writer as "MNS" (*who calls* him that?! Is he so much of a ubiquitously-referred to phenomenon that we have to abbreviate his name so as not to pass out from the apparently constant references we make to him (albeit, those who use the abbreviation are probably a little short of breath from the perpetual suck-job they're giving him)?!)! When the film started - you know, that cartoonish stick-figure drivel that should have clued us all in to the fact that we'd be seeing a two-dimensional caricature of a story - I whispered jokingly to my wife after the fifth-or-so minute of it "I hope the whole movie's like this!" I had no idea what a prophetic utterance it was, nor that I would get my wish.



After reading your post, I feel like there is still some hope for the world. Of course, I don't know how old you are, so lets hope you'll be around for some time. Your deductions do have merit. An example for #1: I am Legend. If you read the book, watched both prior films(Last Man on Earth and Omega Man) you would rate Legend far lower than someone who hasn't. Film making evolved from silents to talkies, to color and panoramic views. The great invention of the steady cam and special effects. It blows my mind why film makers resort to abandoning this knowledge and create films like Blair Witch and Cloverfield(examples). It started with NYPD Blue and the use of shaky-cam. I never went to film school, but I doubt they teach you that it's OK to film the back of someones head, or crop only half of someones face when filming. I never watched a full episode of NYPD Blue because of the camera bouncing around all the time. Every time I see it done today in film or TV, I turn it off. If you can't be professionals, and have your work not end up like a child produced it, then it isn't worth the effort. That's my rant and I'm sticking to it.

Signatures? We don't need no stickin signatures.


Well I'm familiar with M. Night's movies so I didn't expect this to be scary.
And I expected The Village to be scary, but then somebody told me it wasn't, and a few years later I watched it and I loved it. You can't really go by the previews, they'll crop it to make it commercial, something that will sell, and (in the case of The Village) horror is much more likely to sell rather than "a bunch of old people dressed up in creature suits". And I don't think the directors have any say in the preview making (do they?).

Now, I love this movie for everything it has to offer. Which would take far too long a post to explain so let's just leave it at that.
Very original idea, to me that is, so don't jump down my throat if there's another movie out there just like this.
And in response to wild_cobra, I loved I Am Legend. I didn't know there was a book, and I've never seen those movies (I don't think, I may be wrong) but I'm pretty sure I still would have loved it anyway.
And what you're saying out the "shaky" film concept- they only do it to make it more real, like home video "this is REALLY happening".
It doesn't bother me, I know it makes some people sick, but I honestly could care less about it.

Bry for Fee
President of TOBAOF
Get out here! Panda JERK!


It's TERRIBLE because it is presented like is a really special movie and has a deep and powerful message. But it isn't and it doesn't.

The plot does not hold up. Just the scene with the kid staring at the Cereal box. The tenants getting things wrong. The big armed guys. All awful trite.

EGO turned to Hubris....

And I'm a huge fan of M. Night, Paul and Bryce!!~

Just because M. Knight thinks of something doesn't make it unique or mystical.

I loved his first four films.

Sorry, but he NEEDS better Producers.


Somewhere in your rant you elevated youself from typical hater. So I respond in kind.

This movie made me feel better as a human. I will not dignify your negative outlook on all humanity by stating all my values and the thousands of movies I've seen of all eras and genres, I will simply say what I got from this movie.

A man found love again. There you go. It was an entire movie about a good person doing good things, and finding value in himself once again. Nevermind anything else. If you think that's a bad plot, we aren't on same wavelengths and all your insults mean nothing to me. I love life, and all the beauty within it. And yes, I do find this a rare flower in the field of hate and negativity that is most film. Films are generally driven by viscious conflict, one must act or all is lost. This film did no such thing, and thus 90% of you were lost and went off a cliff never to return. Certainly a film must have some appeal, if not conflict, or comedy, or sheer terror, then what? Love. This movie was true love. Not sex. Not something inherent, or implied, or derived. It was as simple as life itself. I find Pan's Labyrinth depressing. The main character gets treated like crap, then dies. I won't knock it, it was a beautiful film. But I dare say it is just another notch in the belt of hate that swings into my face day in and out from the cynical masses that see no beauty in the smallest things.

You want wholesale. This isn't it. It is very specific. It is very clear. It is literal and absolute. I know as a matter of fact many people can't stand absolutism. And getting it from a fantasy is just plain offensive to most people. You suggest any who watch this are settling? Settling from what? We all know where this film takes us but you imply there is some level we are all on top of.

Every one walks into a film with a different past. If the acting is good, and the production quality is good, how can you be so smug to declare its intent pointless and weak and without any creativity?

I walked into this movie with the weight of the world on my shoulders. A tough job, one of demands of sacrifice to a nation I grew to despise. Service to a war I never supported. Obligation. Duty. Cast that away. Come to fantasy it calls me. I hadn't heard of such a story, but I've heard thousands. And every man that spills his guts to me in a bar might one day blur into an overall distasteful spirit. But for now, I am invigorated by a glimmer. I am refreshed by a splash of happiness and goodness. Has it been done? I should hope so. Please let your harsh negative assertions have some bearing on reality that I may believe hope lives well in the minds of the few who appreciate it.

You ask how anyone could accept this? I go to the beach every day. And I like it. It is beautiful. It inspires me to think for myself. I am not overwhelmed by it. I am not captivated by it. I do not learn the secrets of the universe from it. I don't find myself calling up all my friends demanding they come see what I see, for no one can. It enables me to see. It gives me reason to look. That is what this film is for me. It is a flower. It is a beach. It is simple and wonderful and a finds glorious exaltation a common expression. It says to me, this is for you, and you are for everything. It says humans can be great, and loving, and powerful, and kind. Does a film just have to exist to be liked? Of course silly. You have an opinion. Stop using it like a battle axe. You obviously have no respect for people who loved this film. This film was a pillar. It was a block. It asked for man to be propped up by being a means of propping up man. It spoke longingly of a story that has yet to be written, you respond in a manner of disgust. I respond in a manner of attempting to acheive what it desired.

Films serve many purposes. This is one that serves the dreamer.


I absolutely could not have said it better myself. I've seen this movie countless times, and every time I watch it, I still get wrapped up in the originality of the smaller details in the story.

Yes, the basic outline of any fantasy is there: a journey home. But the way Shyamalan gives meaning to the mundane actions of everyday life and turns people's small little hobbies into devices that serve a greater purpose is wonderful in every way I can imagine. The scene with the little child 'reading' the cereal boxes was just so weird...I just latched onto it.

I loved that he didn't try to make everything "cool" or "dark" or "epic" or any of those generic descriptions that can be applied to most fantasy stories. The bi-polar pace of the darkness and comedy in this movie was a great compliment to the imbalance of real life. It was a fairy tale made modern, and I found that he did a spectacular job with it.

That's my opinion. Agree or disagree, I don't care. But I don't try to make you feel like crap about your opinions, so I'm not sure why you try to make people feel inferior for liking this movie.


I would never want to live in the world that ImHungover paints a portrait of. A world where one is filled with such contempt and negativity that they can't see the beauty or simplicity in anything. A world where one must post long drawn-out posts in a poor attempt to establish credibility by berating others for disagreeing with their arrogant, narrow-minded, and ill-conceived opinions. I would not live in this world, and thankfully I do not.


Well, I don't want to live in a world when a kid staring at cereal boxes is considered deep, meaningful, and groundbreaking.


Well, I don't want to live in a world when a kid staring at cereal boxes is considered deep, meaningful, and groundbreaking.
people for centuries read coffe residue for answer about their destiny,from tea leafs,..throwing beans,obseerving flight of birds,shape of clouds.hell even intestinf of animals.simply staring at cerial box looking for answers look perfectly normal..


oh, the movie was original as all hell, but originality doesn't excuse any movie for having THIS bad of a screenplay. it was horribly, laughably written. well directed, sure, and there were other good points. but with a script this bad, there's no saving it.


people for centuries read coffe residue for answer about their destiny,from tea leafs,..throwing beans,obseerving flight of birds,shape of clouds.hell even intestinf of animals.simply staring at cerial box looking for answers look perfectly normal..

Good point!

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


I feel the same... I don't get why it got gutted by the critics when it came out... I enjoyed it, and didn't see anything wrong with it. So what if it was a more adult fairy tale and didn't have a definitive audience... It was still a good movie.


I was also surprised that they smashed it so massively back then. The movie isn't as horrific as I imagined it would be. It was a bit too conceptual to my taste, but other than that it was pretty decent.



It's not bad. Quite frankly, apart from perhaps one scene too much, and one not-so-well-executed scene, there's nothing negative in the movie. It's that that it's far ahead of our current society. One day in the future, Shyamalan's work, with lady in the water, unbreakable and village at the top, will be of supreme value.


One day in the future, Shyamalan's work, with lady in the water, unbreakable and village at the top, will be of supreme value.
That same one day in the future we will land on the Moon and discover it's made of strawberry cream mousse. (The Vegas oddsmakers have my prediction running a slight favorite to yours).

ShamFan: "Signs" was perfect.
Thinker: What about <long list>?
ShamFan: Don't bug me with facts.
