when they put the baby in the car they put him faceing forward but you suppose to face them rear facesing i wonder if that was on purpose or was it just a mistake.
Piper: I think my half whitelighter baby thought fireworks would be prettier than demon guts.
You're wrong actually. Baby seats are not supposed to be fitted facing backward. Because if you have a car accident the air bag will force the carseat away and most likely cause a spinal or neck injury to the baby, possibly and most likely killing it. Faceing forwards it has a high chance of surviving the impact. Also babies should never be put in the passenger seat of cars (just a bit of info, not related)
SOURCE: Many babies in my family.
Edit: Sorry i'm wrong. You are supposed to have them rear facing and you're not supposed to put them in a seat with an airbag. My mistake.
No, the original poster was correct: in the first months of life, the infant car seat should be placed in the back seat, preferably in the center, facing BACKWARD. The air bag would not impact them in the back seat, so your argument about the air bag doesn't apply. Maybe the babies in your family were not born very recently, so the rules were different then? Anyway, look at an infant car seat, and you can see it is designed to be placed either facing forward or backward. They even sell mirrors that go on the seatback so the parents can see the baby's face even when it's facing backward. After the first several months they start riding facing forward. It might be safer for them to continue riding backward, but once their feet are hanging over the front edge of the infant seat, they'd be bunched up against the seatback, so they have to go forward. Of course, if the car has no back seat, you HAVE to place the infant seat in the passenger seat, and then maybe your airbag argument would apply. But most experts recommend not driving a baby around in a car without a rear seat. For example, the "Car Talk" guys frequently advise new parents to get a car with a rear seat, even if it means selling their sports cars, much as they love sports cars themselves.
I just noticed this when watching it again. I am surprised I missed this before, as I noticed it right away this time. I wonder why they did this? This is a huge no no and you can do your newborn baby serious damage just from driving around in the forward position. This seems irresponsible, even though this is just a light movie. Some people out there are not too bright and unfortunately movie audiences are impressionable.