Great movie, but Vince Vaughn's character says something illogical.
After the dinner party, Vince Vaughn tells Jennifer Aniston that he "just wants to be left the hell alone" - that is illogical, if you want to be left alone why did you get into a relationship? One of the reasons why i personally don't desire a relationship is because i love my own space, i like my alone time 100% of the time, i can do what i want without having to commit or to wait on anybody else, plus i'm a Christian and i like to spend alone time with God, you can't do any of those things when you're in a relationship. If Vince Vaughn's character just wanted to work and then go home and play his video games, that's fine, but don't get a girlfriend, the two don't mix, he pursued her so he only has himself to blame.
But as we see - it isn't that simple, we find out that he's been pretty selfish during their entire relationship, she does activities that he likes even though she doesn't like them, but he won't do the same for her and it took her a long time to tell him that, Aniston's character was hoping he would notice, but he was too self-involved.
This is an interesting film and worth checking out, a lot of things can be learned through both of these characters.
Great natural performances.