season 3 news

I was reading on wikipedia that sugar rush is to begin filming the third season around jan 26th for 3-4 months. The best news however is the sarah-jane potts, aka saint, will be back for at least 5 episodes, if not all of them in the third season. It is now time to rejoice and do a happy dance.


(Dances happily) Yay yay yay!

Are you personally wanting Saint to stay for all of the next series or do you prefer Sugar and Kim together (grrr).

"It's not the despair. I can stand the despair. It's the hope."


I love saint and kim together. I loved sarah-jane potts from kinky boots, so I about died when she showed up in Sugar Rush. How about you?



Be quiet Dell-Bear, no one is interested in what a moron like you has to say.

As for Sarah-Jane Potts, I've followed her career since she appeared in an episode of Dalziel and Pascoe a few years ago. I too think she was brilliant in Kinky Boots and I was so pleased when she came into Sugar Rush. I'm very pleased to hear she'll be in the third series.

Dear Buddha, please send me a pony and a plastic rocket.



I agree with you wieldy and Movie, Saint and Kim are great together. Sugar and Kim make good friends but they don't work as a couple.

"It's not the despair. I can stand the despair. It's the hope."


Closet-Bear, it's been a long time, I almost missed your rants.

So back to my previous question:

have you read Bears posts? They're nearly all incoherent hate-filled homophobic rants, except oddly enough the ones in the Miley Cryus boards e.g.

thats so right dill. these little wannabe haterz are so stuck up and annoying

well nameless abuses miley cuz she is jealous of her looks. i dont know about the others. they are probably just little idiots on and off-line.

So Bear what's the deal? Do you have an unhealthy interest in a 13 year old girl or is she the girl you always wanted to be?

I think it's the second option, isn't it closet bear.

So Bear got an answer for us this time?



Yea right..

Bored Now!


I think that Kim and Saint are cute together but, to be honest, I really hope to see some Kim and Sugar action of any kind. I have a soft spot for them.


u see i really like kim and sain t but then i also think kim and sugar together would be good,

go on this website


If it's started filming now wouldn IMDb have Series 3 (filming) or whateevr it says on the list? =/ I'm dying for 3rd series but not sure whether to get my hopes up and trust what wikipedia says yet..


sugar rush fan here. does anyone know when exactly season 3 will coming on to our screens? itching to see it! Bring on the Kim and Saint action :) Cheers..




think its gona hit our screens in june


i want sugar n kim to get together at the end of season 3 they truly love eachova i dont realli think kim loves saint its obvious shes still in love with sugar

so come on sugar n kim get together lol


yeah, but sugar isnt a lesbian


Thank you, does no one else think that's a big barrier between Sugar and Kim ever getting together?

Plus the small matter of hot, lesbian Saint (who Kim is obsessed with)

"It's not the despair. I can stand the despair. It's the hope."


I'm a strong believer that you're born with a certain sexuality... Sugar is obviously not a lesbian, she may have strong feelings for Kim, but bestfriends usually do. & plus, Saint's damn hot, Kim would be crazy to give her up!


Hey, I love Saint. She's sweet and adorable. BUT c'mon no one can top Sugar's looks! I have to agree with bear. Sugar is a fox. Honestly, would anyone shag Saint instead of Sugar? Don't think so....


Honestly, would anyone shag Saint instead of Sugar?

I would. I much prefer Saint to Sugar. Sugar's a good looking girl, and I wouldn't say no but if I had a choice between the two then I'd have to go with Saint, she's so much sexier than Sugar in my opinion.

Dear Buddha, please send me a pony and a plastic rocket.


"It's not the despair. I can stand the despair. It's the hope."


eww u must be kidding saint is preety in her own way but sugar is stunning and is the true beauty


"There have been rumours that the actress Sarah-Jane Potts will not be in the new series due to work commitments."

only pointing it out

Clever Got Me This Far, Then Tricky Got Me In



"It's not the despair. I can stand the despair. It's the hope."



"Channel 4 has stated that Sugar Rush will not be returning for a third series, despite its popularity with viewers and critics alike. Some rumours are that there was not a scheduling spot for it, that it was being removed because of the requirements for Big Brother 8, and because a third series was never originally planned."

..........just read that on wikipedia ... what happened to the its already bein filmed thing?










