MovieChat Forums > Criminal Minds (2005) Discussion > Episode 20 - Unforgettable

Episode 20 - Unforgettable

The BAU investigates when several federal government employees, including a close friend of Walker's, succumb to symptoms of a heart attack; Reid anxiously awaits his trial date and receives a visit from his mother.

Walker is not much but a dull character - will this episode give him more of a personality? Since this looks like a "Walker episode" and we may learn something about his past.


I must be the only one who watches this show still!

Lindsey is turned UNSUB.


This show's really gone down the drain. There's no more "criminal minds", just personal stories and lame ridiculous villain archs, and then some 10 minutes effective time that actually deals with this episode's unsub. And in this episode they managed to outdone themselves in writing a baffingly bad serial killer case. What killer would come up with such a moronic plot? Killing everyone with needle, except one person with food, not realizing the feds would check the food he ate, where it came from and who prepared it?

Please cancel this show already. I can't take it anymore but have to see every new episode since I've seen them all from start. Save me from this nightmare.


I know what you're saying and I agree with you. The show gets more unrealistic every week and it's not the same show to me anymore. "Criminal Minds" IS gone - sure, we have a few regulars (JJ, Reid, Garcia, Rossi and Prentiss), but it's not enough to keep this show "exciting...and new" The teams "magic" IS gone, their great chemistry - demolished and the mystery of who the killer is and why? - no longer do they do. But somehow it got renewed.

I fast forward the majority of the "Walker case" because it was very boring - I guess that's what this show is now.


I know it's not just me being bored with the show in general due to seeing so many episodes, because I have rewatched the first few seasons a couple of times, and they are still entertaining in a way the later seasons aren't. Feels like the hunt and the unsub is the focus. Most episodes were good. The mediocre or boring ones were the ones that were revolving around team members, which btw all of the seasons endings seem to be about, a new team member every time or the whole of BAU. For some reason they think something happening to the team members are the most exciting thing that can happen. I can't speak for other viewers but to me that's totally boring and not why I'm watching the show. I actually couldn't care less for the team members, Garcia is an absolute nuisance and the others are just meh... I can't understand how people can find them interesting. I simply do not care about them or their private lives. Other shows, I care about the characters, here I don't care if they die or not, doesn't bother me one bit. The only character I really cared about on criminal minds were that Elle chick that were in the first 2 seasons.

These days I sometimes skip a few minutes here or there if it's not related to the episode's unsub. If I could, I'd watch each episode stripped from everything but the case.
