An evil villain with the Flash's speed could easily defeat Wonder Woman, as he could every-other hero. I realized this after watching a clip of the show, The Boys. In one scene, a super-fast ani-hero accidentally runs through and vaporizes a woman on the street. With that power, the villain could just run through WW, vaporizing her and turning her into red mist, and it would be over just that quick! Speed is an invincible power.
Maybe, but maybe not. If he wore a hard, maybe sharp diamond exterior suit-to cut through any object, he could probably still run through WW. And he could hit her vulnerable spots, like stiff arm her head at terminal speed and explode her head. I guess.
No! Extreme speed could beat any hero, male or female. It's not about the gender; it's about the super-ability and which one is best. Heck, the super-fast villain could easily be a woman.
Isn't Wonder Woman somewhat impervious to harm? She gets slammed around and dragged and pummeled while taking no damage. I think if someone with super speed ran into her, he would be vaporized, not her. Same with Super-Man. It doesn't matter how fast you're going when you hit him, he's more solid than you, and so is Wonder Woman.
I don't know a lot about physics, but, I'll bet, if you intend to stop a human sized bullet which is going hundreds of miles an a hour, and is diamond tipped, you'd better be bigger than WW or Superman. If WW didn't disintegrate after being run through, the speedster's momentum would knock her back or crush her. Heck, the speedster could just drag her or plop her against a tree. The point is, if she or he cannot react to his attack, she would be vulnerable and would lose the confrontation. Speed wins!
Think of it this way-- if your super speed runner were to run at top speed into a tank, would he be vaporized, or would he vaporize the tank? My money is on the tank being unharmed, and the runner being a splatter.
I don't know the exact level of her durability, but the internet tells me that in the comics, Wonder Woman survived both a nuclear explosion and contact with a black hole, so I think it's safe to say she's more impervious than a tank.
If the fast enemy had a weapon that could harm her, then yes, he could run up and quickly smack/stab/whatever her, but I think running directly into her is certain death for him.
You are right: if WW is invulnerable, and can survive a nuclear blast, a speedster couldn't run through her and make her into mist, but he could defeat her and push her around. She couldn't hurt him because she would be tossed around at blinding speeds.
I at least don't know how vulnerable she is to whatever weapons the Flash might have, because just punching her at high speed might or might not be enough to defeat or kill her. We also don't know whether her bracelets and lasso are effective against high-speed antagonists... unless we're the kind of DC nerd who's read 70 years of back issues.
But the fact is that superheroes need some vulnerability, something they can't fight, because they wouldn't be interesting if they didn't have to struggle for each and every victory. There always needs to be a reason that the villain could win, even if they never do.
True! It just seems to me that blinding speed/speed-from-a-standing start is unbeatable. Even if he couldn't kill WW, he could push and throw her around. The speedster would be on the offence and would push and throw her (or anybody who wasn't huge or equally as fast) around at blinding speed.
Blinding speed is useless against a physically invulnerable person, because every superhero has to have something they can't do, so they have to think and make the story interesting.
I have no idea whether WW is physically invulnerable or not.
The Flash (and speedster type villains) is vastly underrated for this very reason. Force = mass x acceleration, so one high-speed punch could vaporize most opponents. Plus the speedster could outmaneuver anyone so it would exceedingly difficult to injure them.
But Wonder Woman isn't some civilian on the street. She also has super speed (not Flash level) and super reflexes (she can stop flying bullets by moving her wrists to block them, that's not bad), to go along with super strength and durability.