MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > too many logical gaps...

too many logical gaps...

This movie is worse than both MoS and BvS, all the logical gaps ruined it for me, it was a fucking logical gap every 5 this movie was made for retards and kids under age 10 only, cause all other normal human beings would notice all these stupid gaps...I haven't listed them all in this thread cause that would take me the whole fucking day to complete but this movie is horribly written...and it is Snyder who wrote it yes, he should stick to directing and not write movies....and if we look past the three worst and most lame villains ever made in a comic book movie ( I don't count suicide squad, cause that is the absolute worst) like David Thwelis as Ares...the war god of war gods ( fucking joke of a casting) then we have these horrible logical gaps...

These are some of the logical gaps I were thinking of....ofc movies like this get praised and Hollywood can keep making retarded scripts with retarded logic when retards buy everything...even gaps in the logic...smoke signals was one of the gaps...even if they needed to make them, how come the Germans didn't see them since they stood by a fuckin huge fire 300 meters away from the German camp...and how about that ass cheek sword who everyone at the party saw but none responded too or that huge battleship at the beginning who just vanished when the Germans made it to the shore or why did a whole battlefield miss four guys running next to wonder woman without anyone trying to shoot them and what about that old woman she took the dress from, did she punch her out? Hanged her in the trees and just left her there...that's some great heroine who belive in love to name a few of the gaps...ridiculous overrated crap movie I would say, but Gadot was great as WW and patty is a fine director when it comes to action.
