Factual error - Baldwin's majority
On the subject of factual errors (previous posters have mentioned the anachronistic reference to the KGB and Churchill incorrectly addressing Edward as Your Majesty when he was still Prince of Wales) Baldwin at one point asserts that he only has a small majority, and that this handicaps him in his capacity to act. This is completely wrong because he had a very large majority, one of the largest in British parliamentary history. At the general election of 1935 the Conservatives and Nat Labour and Nat Liberal allies had 432 seats as against 183 for all other parties combined, thus yielding an overall majority of 249 (source: Butler and Butler, British Political Facts 1900-1986, Macmillan, 1986 (6th ed)). Whatever constitutional constraints Baldwin was under these did not include a lack of Parliamentary support. He is also seen to be anxious about the possibility of a revolt on his own backbenches, and the formation of a "King's party" headed by Churchill, and being advised on this by the chief whip, but he must have known that this was a damp squib, and would never have amounted to anything.