I just watched this movie on Syfy, and I was expecting the happy ending I loved, but I saw a different and very sad and upsetting ending for me! I loved this movie when I first saw it years ago because I liked that being in that room let him grieve his daughter and be able to be with his wife again. And I loved it when they both heard their daughter on the tape, and he knew it really happened.
I'm recovering from being sick, and that awful ending I saw on Syfy tonight really upset me! So, I searched and found the DVD I had bought years ago, and I just watched the ending, and it was the happy ending! I liked that they heard their daughter talking because we are left wandering what their reaction will be to that. Will they believe they will see their daughter again when they die? Or other questions? Anyway, I'm feeling happy now that I saw the ending I remembered and loved! I never realized their was an alternate ending, but I'm glad I never saw it before...and I'll only watch my DVD if I want to see it again, now that I know about the alternate ending!
I think this story works and is very effective with the first ending. It's still a scary story, but it brings up a lot to think about. And, I like the surprises in the movie. But I did not like the upsetting surprise ending in the alternate version I saw tonight! I don't normally watch scary movies because I like happy endings, not that a lot of scary movies don't have happy endings, but I really like John Cusack, so that's why I got it! I also loved seeing Tony Shalhoub and Samuel L. Jackson in it! So, I've learned something new tonight about the alternate ending - which I'll never watch again, lol! (If you liked that other ending, then that's great! It's just not my cup of tea.)
Btw I love several Stephen King movies! My favorite is the TV mini series on my old DVD of "It!" I loved the happy ending with "John Boy, lol" saving his wife on the bicycle! I loved the other actors in that movie too! And it was scary, but with comic relief moments - my kind of scary movie, but I think it was still a very good movie with many surprises! And I loved the Quantum Leap Halloween episode "Boogieman," which is based on Stephen King movies, and my favorite QL episode! It's got a scary atmosphere, and I loved all the references, the surprise ending, and the happy ending! I like Halloween-type scary movies with surprises, but with happy endings...or as happy as they an be for a scary movie! Everyone's different, and that's just me.