How long does Enslin's horror last?
Ok, I'm a a great King fan and most of the time you have to read the story or book before seeing the movie. Enlin's horror is supposed to last an hour, but remember he descends into madness and is foreshadowed by his editor asking him if he really wants to come to NYC. As the story continues, you see why he was asked that. His daughter dies of cancer and suffers terrible pain and anguish, divorce and moving away. And has lost faith in everything, as you see by his conversation with Samuel L Jackson. I believe this is Enslin's personal Hell. He has to relive the poor relationship with his dad before he dies but never did,he feel the other people's anguish as they take their own lives, he has to see and feel his daughter ripped from him every hour for the rest of Hell. And he has to feel this madness like a rabid dog does as he finally
dies. But Enslin doesn't. Every hour, it over, and over. Read the short story, it's not long but creepy, then watch the actual real movie version. It's very different, especially the end, but alot of King's literary works just can't be lifted exactly from their pages onto the screen. It was a little personal for me to see the tombstones onscreen show my daughter's name Katie, her DOB and the year I was born on Enslin's grave. Gave me chills, and I kinda burst into tears in the theater. That's how I knew Enslin would be reliving his personal Hell for eternity. If I had to do that, that would be my perfect, personal Hell.