Just re-watched this...this would have been a great prelude to a series
Theres some great Ideas here and the premise is sound if you take that those nine family's were visited by 9 men intent on different occult objectives...this frees up the story line from having no one noticing 8 immortal Nazis running about or the fact they would all have to already have been beaten as they obviously didnt achieve their goal...
I just with the Script had been a bit better to match the look and feel of the Movie and its cast... The acting was great the FX were great ...the story lacked
I wanted a lot more of the family initial interaction with the nazi and a montage of perhaps what they went through with him before trapping him which might have help explain curious plot holes like why keep him alive...why feed him...why become serial killers of innocent people to feed him and if they could let him out why couldn't they control him at any other time... none of this was explained or if it was it was explained badly...sigh... I really liked where they went with the Nazi in his look and the transformation but damn lets have him do a bit of exposition ...lol
of my mind
'' I don't know what's in there, but it's weird and it's pissed off''