MovieChat Forums > Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005) Discussion > Christ, my local video store is retarded...

Christ, my local video store is retarded.

My local video store ordered dominion, which would have arrived on the 10th of next month. Those guys at the store cancelled it today, saying that they already have 1 prequel and that's enough. I tried telling them it's loads better, and told them that it got much higher reviews than beggining. It seems like they don't belive me and don't care. I hate how people fell so down on movie tastes. One movie that critics make it sound like a masterpiece and they cancel it because they already got the sh!tty harlin remake. That's just pure geinous.

My god, what a bunch of ignorant idiots who know nothing about good movies. Guess i'm gonna have to order the movie off amazon now. Such people shouldn't be allowed to run a video store.



Yea, they deserve it.


No...heres what u do....take all the good movies out of the store....lock them in while playing the beginning on the tv screen(or some exorcistsploitation movie)....lock them in....then torch the place while blasting the dog fashion disco ending theme to dominion.the end justifies the means.

Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.
- John Lennon



Steal all Star Wars prequels except for Episode I and then say, "You already have one prequel. That's enough."


Steal all Star Wars prequels except for Episode I and then say, "You already have one prequel. That's enough."

Haha, that's actually a good idea :O



i really don't think that it's that big of a deal that the video store doesn't want this movie. i just watched it and it wasn't good. i don't care if the store that i work at gets it. at least the harlin version was probably in the "so bad it's good" category. this one's just a mess. i sat through the whole thing waiting for something interesting to happen and reached a climax full of cheesy cgi and no tension at all. after reading positive reviews i thought there was a chance that this movie would be decent. turns out those critics were just trying to prove a point that a director's original vision shouldn't be changed to suit test screenings. this is just a pointless and boring sequel that nobody asked for, no matter how you try to fix it.



well said, sir.


Please stop insulting people with mental handicaps and their families by refering to things you don't like as retarded.

Dominion is just s bad as 'The Beginning' anyway. The best telling of the story is Michael Mann's 'The Keep.'

reply's pointless and boring because that's what it is. and god forbid for me to actually think that a sequel to what is widely considered by many (misplaced in my opinion) to be the scariest movie ever, to actually try to scare an audience. i mean, how would that possibly make sense?




i wouldn't be complaining about the movie not being scary if it had any other redeeming qualities. it's just an over-pretentious piece of nonsense. i know that these things are all subject to each person's opinion. but you can't honestly try to defend this movie as something great. it's fine if a movie isn't filled with constant jump-scares, it's actually better this way. but there has to be some kind of creepiness present in a horror film, otherwise it loses it's purpose. not to mention the fact that it needs to lead to a satisfying conclusion. but when the big payoff ending is nothing more than cheap CGI, it's a bit of a letdown and makes the build up seem all the more pretentious and lame. i don't know why you guys are defending this movie as if it's the most revolutionary "horror" films since "halloween." it's marginally better than the remake, which is obviously not a glowing endorsement.


the only reasonable thing to do is just blow um up. just get it done.

"God is just an imaginary friend for adults."


Here's an Idea, Why not go to a different movie store, where the hell do you live???in the mountains of West Virginia???? where they only have one movie store...


they are retarded... they are really retarded. i dont know if my video store has it yet/.... they better.



"In the mountains of West Virginia???"

Hey! I resent that...

Oh wait... You have a point.

