Question (spoiler)

I haven't seen this movie but I saw The Beginning. In this movie there was a battle between the Brittish army and the Turkana. I think this was a pretty cool scene.
I this also in Dominion?
And is Dominion any good? I think The Beginning was okay, not super.


The fight almost happens in Dominion - to say more would be spoiling it.

I just watched it this weekend and Dominion is definitely the better film. It's more subtle than Harlin's film but and much more effective that way.

It relies less on cheap scares and more on characterization and Merrin's internal and spiritual conflicts.

It's a very cerebral film.

Why not find out and see if for yourself?


Damn, I gotta see it.
I live in Holland and I have no idea when it comes out on DVD.
However, abouts several weeks there is an ALL NIGHT HORRRORSHOW in the local cinema.
Dominion is one of the movies which will be played, but unfortunately it's in selection B, but I prefer selection A which contains movies as Land of the Dead an the Belgien horror movie Calvaire.


Both films were good. I'm always up for a good Kick Satan's Arse movie. Who isn't? I liked Dominion. It was more subtle and about man's own evils. What I liked the most was the exorcism scenes in Dominion weren't all hyped up and I think they protrayed Satan well. This egotistical andronginous being. Beginnings just kind of...meh. Both were good. Both had nice homages to The Exorcist.


I've seen it in the middle of the night in the local cinema during the allnight horrorshow. I was suprised to see several guys from the beginning. The story was MUCH better than the beginning.
