I am not sure how i stand at the point of watching the two movies, i saw Begining and have not watched Dominion yet. But i just have to say (in a completely opnionated view (aka, not trying to tell anyone they are wrong, its a personal opinion after all)) that i really did enjoy Begining and cant wait till i see the "original" The thing that i dislike about american movies is that tehy try to scare you with (what i call) "the jump factor" In my opinion, movies are much MUCH scarier when its something that you have to think about, or things will just be there with no dramatic music or jumping from closets with quick camera moviements. I dont know, it just seems more "real life" like, and thats what i think is scary. But i love the prequel, it matched up with the first excorcist perfectly, and even works well with the novel by WPB. I think i ranted a bit much, so i will end it here.