Which version should I watch first?

I haven't gotten around to seeing either movie. Sometimes I'll watch one version of a movie and enjoy it more because it was the first one I saw. I don't know why, its just how it is. Any suggestions as to which one I should see first?


Watch Dominion first, its a far superior film and, although many of the scenes are similar, its handled with much more class and style.



You are joking aren't you? It was possibly the worst film I've ever seen and for a horror/thriller, there was not one scarey moment- unless of course you fear the aurora borealis or that yoga causes acute alopecia. The story was convoluted at best and the possession story just happened to be by the by.

Exorcist the Begining is clearly better as it was full of suspense/horror and jumpy moments (i.e. child being ripped to bits) that kept the pace and I feel warranted it being an 18 certificate rather than a 15 as it was. The link between this version and the Exorcist was made explicitly at the end whereas in Dominion it was not (i.e. 'they all lived happily ever after'). Some of the scenes that both films share were poorly used in Dominion, such as the maggoty baby- in Exorcist the begining it was part a shocking montage that was used to show the evil of the area, whereas in dominion this baby randomly appeared for 2 seconds and was forgotten about.

Dominion was Laugh-Out-Loud bad.


I personally found that both sucked...if you'll see both, don't expect the second one you'll see to be better than the first. Just don't expect anything and it might be enjoyable.


I am not sure how i stand at the point of watching the two movies, i saw Begining and have not watched Dominion yet. But i just have to say (in a completely opnionated view (aka, not trying to tell anyone they are wrong, its a personal opinion after all)) that i really did enjoy Begining and cant wait till i see the "original" The thing that i dislike about american movies is that tehy try to scare you with (what i call) "the jump factor" In my opinion, movies are much MUCH scarier when its something that you have to think about, or things will just be there with no dramatic music or jumping from closets with quick camera moviements. I dont know, it just seems more "real life" like, and thats what i think is scary. But i love the prequel, it matched up with the first excorcist perfectly, and even works well with the novel by WPB. I think i ranted a bit much, so i will end it here.


To truly answer your question...the desision on which one to watch first depends on what you like best...."The Beginning" has a more horrific quality, while "Dominion" has a more thoughtful quality I suppose...so if you like horror and gore and scare tactics more then I suggest watching "Dominion" first then watch "The Beginning" or else "Dominion" just won't do it for you and it might feel like a waste of time. But that's all up to you. Personally, I suggest just going out and renting both and comparing them....just for the sake of being a "movie junkie".

