underrated. completely underrated.

It seems that the release of The Beginning before releasing Dominion has put a taint on this film and made people appreciate it less than they should. Dominion is now my second favorite in the series, after Legion.

Comparing this film to The Beginning is a joke in itself as well. The Beginning was absolute trash. Granted, Dominion isn't a mind blower from beginning to end, but it's still stands as one of the best in the series.

What do other's think?

And if I hear one more person refer to this film as slow......

Where have the attention spans gone???

explosions+one-liners+pointless plot+tearjerker scene+sex scenes=summer film



I have to agree, more time needed to be spent between Merrin & the Demon also I would have liked the film to explore the divide between the Native & Christian religons more.

Most importantly I would have like to have seen a film that was properly polished and not hurried out to compensate for poor box office returns.


yea, and they should improve the visual effects and such and come out with a special edition of the movie or something, because many people seem to pick out on those points of the movie (while comparing it to The Beginning).
