Both versions...

sucked. who's the brilliant genius who decided to make two versions. I don't know the whole story but good god....what a yawnfest. I love Stellan Skarsgard and he's the only reason why I would watch either films. And yet...I can't watch either one without falling asleep.

Were they filmed simultaneously??


I watched both on the same night. I haven't thought about them much since. Looking back on them, Beginning was more exciting (not in a good way) but Dominion has more emotional backing to it. Dominion has the special effects of a made for TV '80s film, but, it doesn't matter. The point of the movie is Merrin's conflict in his belief of God.
The orginal Excorcist was scary. It may be the single greatest horror film of all time. This one, Dominion, however, I believe to be a better movie. I don't view it as a horror flick. It is a film of great psychological depth and deals with it's subject very delicately and seriously.


The story on Dominion makes a bit more sense...but yeah, they're both fairly bad (well, Dominion is fairly bad...Beginning is TERRIBLE)
