Both films are bad

The problem with these movies is the stupid script. They are both long and over drawn out films. I was realy hoping this would be better then "The Begining" but it's basicly the same! If they scraped this film (Dominion) then they should have scraped the screen play too. and maybe the whole prequel thing as well. Bad bad movies.


Well lets just hope that these two movies mark the end of inept Exorcist sequels.




I disagree. I think all of the exorcist films were interesting up until the two part fours came out. It's really dumb that there are two part fours to the exorcist films, and they are both awful. To make up for it, Exorcist 5 needs to take place in outer space. I'm pretty sure that would help the series move forward. I may be wrong... what do I know?

But my geuss is that Satan's headquarters is on the edge of the universe. What do you think?


Outer space would be cool... but H.P. Lovecraft would have to write the script!


yeah, EVERYONE on IMDB bashed Morgan Creek for scraping this movie and they all said how much better this movie would've been instead of Exorcist "The Beginning" ...Now that I've seen both movies I have to say that sadly "The Beginning" was a better movie then this. Both movies weren't all that great but I thought "The Beginning" overall was a better movie.

Adam Beck


So you think the pedestrian THE BEGINNING is better than the superb DOMINION?

I guess this explains why you run a website called



If you think "Dominion" was a superb film then you have serious problems and absolutely no credibility. I'm not even saying I really liked "The Beginning" just saying that Dominion is in no way a far superior film then the second shooting effort. The basic storyline wasn't all that much different between the movies, just different actors and a few different characters. In no way could I ever claim that Dominion is a superb prequel to the original exorcist like you have, nor is "the Beginning"...Morgan Creek could've easily stuck with Dominion instead of shelling out more money to reshoot the entire picture. The movie would've flopped regardless.

Adam Beck




"Tell that people like Roger Ebert..."

Yikes! If you hadn't already damaged your credibility, that did it.


Andrew - you are right on the money! Why anyone thinks Dominion is a better movie is beyond me. Is it more "artistic"? Does it seem more realistic? Is the dialogue more intersting? NO, NO, NO, and, furthermore, if anyone goes to an "Exorcist" movie for any of those things is nuts! The original was great because it scared the hell out of people, and that's that. I had heard what a better movie Dominion was, so I watched it. Like the other movie it literally put me to sleep! This is almoast as bad as Exorcit 2!!!


Actually, they shouldn't have remade the movie in the first place. I do believe both movies have their faults ,but really Dominion was a movie that needed a little make over, not a WHOLE movie make over.

Both have their set of problems: Dominion isn't flashy enough to sell as a horror movie and its way too slow of pacing also the CG effects needed a lot more touch up work.Then The Beginning, while having great production values butchured any existence of a story and the acting was too stale.
Paul Schrader did a great job with making a deep story about a priest who's lost his faith. All and all, as far as the visuals and a little different way of editing and music would have been a better film. Not an excellent film ,but a superior Exorcist sequel/prequel.

I saw Dominion as an unfinished film where at the light in the end of the tunnel, it would have been a more creepy M. Night Shamalan movie that stays with you then a jumpy/gross movie like "the beginning".

Its really Morgan Creeks loss for wasting millions on a remade movie that was complete *beep* at least I saw something in it that had hopes.



I haven't seen Dominion, and from what I read, I probably won't, considering it is apparently the exact same movie, but I just watched Beginning and enjoyed it. The first half is a little slow, but all in all, a good movie. Entertaining, scary, gory, and thought-provoking. Or maybe I just appreciate pictures for what they are; I've seen waaaay worse - anyone seen House Of The Dead (the most expensive toilet paper on Earth)?

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.


hehe Exorsist 5 a NEW beginning.

a snappy tom cruise as the priest... could be the bastard son of lancaster merrin, concieved by a female sister of pazuzu(heheh).

He has gone in his fathers footsteps but there is a struggle inside as to either be good or bad. and of course there is a beutiful woman that is posessed(could be scarlett johansson or som other doll).

Other than an excorsism in the movies final minutes there is little or no links to the original suspence.

We spice everything up with plenty cgi af a really baaaaad quality

and hey presto we have a sucsess on our hands LOL


I rented this movie with a lot of interest, of course all of it drummed up by the discussion of thes two films over the internet. And I sat through "Dominion" and I was left thinking: "This wasn't very good". I won't say that it is terrible, and I certainly feel that if the Harlan version is worse than this I am glad that I never wasted a single moment watching it on HBO recently. Schrader's version is, IMO, baaaarely passible as being worth the time spent watching.

This is no way is an attempt to come in here and mercilessly rip Schrader. I'm sure he had a *lot* of problems on this movie that hurt his ability to make it better, but this is far from some example of exemplary filmmaking overshadowed by ignorant or moronic studio suits that it *seems* to have been hyped up to be over the months.


standfan, I think you might want to give Harlin's version a look. I've watched both films, and I was expecting "Dominion" to be much better than "The Beginning" based on the positive reviews that came from people who watched both films, but sad to say, I honestly thought "The Beginning" was the superior version. In "The Beginning", I felt the acting was much deeper as opposed to "Dominion" where most of the time you feel that the actors were just reading out their lines.

I also liked the possessed character in "The Beginning" better than Cheche - the possessed boy in "Dominion" even though I'm supposed to be biased for Billy Crawford (Cheche) since he's a Filipino like myself.

So give it a shot. I think you'll like it.


Well.. if I see it on again one night I might check it out.


vers25 if you think Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist was superb you are a knuob.


Again, allow me to reiterate you are a Knoub, also quite possibly a Brixton slag.



The only problem I had with this film was it's just bizzare and sloppy climax: But aside from that I think it had some wonderful characteriztion and dialogue. It's nowhere near the original film of course, or III for that matter, but IS worthy of the praise it has received.




I agree with the topic creator, both movies weren't really good...I watched Dominion thinking that it would be a LOT better than Exorcist: The Beginning, but except for the beginning of Dominion, there wasn't anything really better...I even found the actors were more inexpressive in this one...They both shoudn't have been made. For me they fall in (almost) the same category as Heretic.


From the trivia page:
Paul Schrader was given no money for publicity or music production after Morgan Creek decided to release his version. He was also only given $2 million for visual effects and post-production (which explains the shoddy CG and inconsistent audio quality). Additionally, Morgan Creek chose the release date of May 20th, the weekend Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) came out.

Nice to know Morgan Creek is under good management. It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. The Catholics are right...pride WILL kill you...and it certainly killed BOTH versions of the Exorcist prequel. Too bad, cuz I though Stellan was perfect (at least visually) as young Merrin.

IMO it'd have made more sense to set the prequel in Iraq. Therefore when older Merrin sees the Pazuzu statue it could have more meaning, a piece of the past coming to haunt him. Setting it in Africa, we get the stereotypes of Africa-medicine men gone mad, people waving spears with bones thru their noses, imperialist Brits and on and on. Plus, having Pazuzu in Iraq kind of makes the film more immediate for us here in the States. It'd explain a lot of craziness in the Middle East. lol

Tiberius: Fate chose me to govern swine, in my old age, I have become a swineherd.
