My idea for a sequel
I had thoughts on a sequel. This takes place many years after the exorcism of Regan MacNeil.
Regan got married to a cop named Billy Blair. They have a son named Joey. Joey becomes possessed by Satan. There are 2 priests named Father William Lawrence and Gregory Rodgers. They do exorcism of Regan's son.
There are also devil worshippers out there lead by Arthur Young. Arthur Young is vandalizing the Catholic churches and than Regan's husband Billy hunts down Arthur Young and his devil worship band.
Arthur Young is now possessed by the Devil. Billy Blair goes with his officers and the 2 Catholic priests named Father Lawrence and Father Rodgers. All those men and women worshipping the devil are carrying torches.
The 2 priests and they never had girlfriends in their lives do exorcism on the devil worship ring leader. Billy Blair battles the devil worshippers. Father Rodgers is killed by The Devil possessing Arthur Young. Father Lawrence with a torch smacks Arthur Young. He puts a cross on him and gets the Devil out of his body.
Billy Blair arrests the devil worship ring leader and his band of devil worshippers.
Those are my thoughts on a sequel to the Exorcist.
Linda Blair could reprise her role as Regan MacNiel. Andy Garcia as Detective Billy Blair (that name of the cop is name reference of Linda Blair who played Regan). Tommy Lee Jones as Father Gregory Rodgers. Vin Diesel as Father William Lawrence. The Undertaker (WWE superstar Mark Calloway) as Arthur Young.