MovieChat Forums > Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005) Discussion > Error in both version of the prequel ?

Error in both version of the prequel ?

Just wondering....I've only seen Exorcist The Begining version, not Dominion but I heard its exatly the same thing but my question is, is there a mistake in those movies that break the story of Exorsist saga? Why is say that well let me explain
In Exorsict 2, which I wish ill never see again cause it was one of the worst movies ever, we can see the story of father Merin before the events of Exorcist Original film, so is that suposse to be the events of the prequels? But that doesnt work cause in Exorcist 2 many thing are different from the prequels but still are connected and the thing that bugs me the most is that in Exorcist 2, it is the little black boy that is posses by the demon but in the Prequel they make us think its the black boy during all the movie until its actually the other girl that was posses
And Exorcist 2 was made of course before the prequels so are the directors of the prequels the stupidiest persons on earth to change the story like that or its just me that didnt get something and the events of Exorcist prequels and Exorcist 2 arent the same events?



ok but is the events of Heretic and Begining supose to be the same



the writter of the originol exorcist and the third film i feel compliment each other very nicly.. Dominon , all tho from a diff writter is a very good flick if you look at it from a psychological thoughtprovoking intresting point of view.. the theater prequel'the begainning' was full of *beep* i hated it.. in dominon, i dont wana give it away but, the end is tottally different, and most of the movie is alot more darker and intresting rather then shock and wow blockbusterish the begaining.

so to break it down in my opinion, forget heretic existed.

Dominon, The Exocist , Legion

are the trilogy to sit back and enjoy


actualy it goes the exorcist, the ninth configuration, legion :)
