$30 Million Budget

Hard to see where they spent it. I liked the movie, but no way this was 30 Mil.



But the movie looks so so cheap. I still liked the movie but the prodution value looked very poor.


The production values looked superb to me - the film had some great physical sets, the church being the most obvious, and it was filmed almost entirely on location. It is truly a gorgeous-looking movie.

Now, the special effects look absolutely awful, but that's only because the film was shelved before post-production was completed, and when the decision was made a year or so later to actually release the movie in incredibly select markets and DVD, Morgan Creek gave Schrader, like, a dollar to get the thing finished. (The actual sum was something absurd like $35,000, whereas it would normally have gotten millions and probably a lot more time.) Given that reality, the Scifi Channel CGI has to be forgiven. I don't have any qualms with the production values, though.


Problem is the film started with a budget of $30 million but was cut before most of the post production work could be achieved. This includes color correction, digital effects, and all the other little niceties that are added to a film late in development. Essentially what the final film we have now is just a slightly polished Rough Edit of the film.

There. It's on the Internet. Thus it's official



I think you're being too defensive to be credible here.

How can you compare those craptastic hienas (horrid animation, poor textures) in this garbage with photorealistic CGI imagery in films like A.I., MASTER & COMMANDER and TRANSFORMERS? Just because you're not convinced by *any* CGI (hard fella to please...) it doesn't mean they're all the same quality.


