Dominion is more 'Blattyesque'

I think Dominion is the better film inasmuch as it takes "the founder of our feast" - William Peter Blatty's - ideas seriously. It's much closer to Blatty's original novel, with its reflections of issues from that source, such as Merrin's pride and his tortured conscience. Two scenes stand out.

Where the younger priest confronts Merrin on his pride: would Merrin deny the comforts of faith to Che Che, just because faith no longer works for Merrin?

Where the nurse provokes Merrin into the statement, "I chose good. Evil happened."
In the same scene the nurse says, "I sometimes think the best view of God is from hell."

These scenes are suggestive of Blatty's themes - paradox, irony, the reality of evil expressed in just a few words.


* bump *



Well said Bastasch...

What abt Merrin's response to the father of the two young boys? Just after the murders of the school children, the boy's father asks Merrin is this how God treats those who believe in him...? (Can't remember the actual question)

Merrin turns to answer the man with a one word response:


Well done....


Thanks for your reply, sorry I'm so late in responding.
Yeah, Merrin's reply to the grieving father is absolutely chilling.


This film definitely was more Blattyesque but I don't feel that that is necessarily a good thing here.

Blatty when left to his own devices can be very pretentious and over indulgent with his theories - one only needs to watch 'The Ninth Configuration' to see that.(appologies to those that liked that film but I do think it is a total mess)

This film has the same issues and becomes an extended theological debate instead of the horror film which it sometimes is half-heartedly trying to be.

I'm glad that some people here obviously like this film but I can see why the studio chose to shelve it and start over.


Well i for one liked it when it was on HBO way back when didnt see the reshot Harlin *beep* fest but this seemed to fit more with the Exorcist and Exorcist 3.


Exorcist 3 was even better before the studio massacred it by forcing Blatty to put an exorcism into it so they could market it more easily. The original cut, which Morgan Creek clams to have lost, was a faithful adaption of the novel Legion, and apparently it was as horrifying as The Exorcist.
