Is this the 'proper' Prequel?

I'm confused as to which is the actual prequal to The Exorcist. As far as I was concerned "The beginning" was, than I came across this title. Any help would be fantastic.


Dominion is the initial prequel, directed by Paul Schrader.

It was squelched by Morgan Creek for not being scary enough.

Renny Harlin then came on board to create a "scarier" film. Morgan Creek approved it and released it. Therefore Harlin's film - Beginning - was seen first.

Then Morgan Creek did a limited release of Schrader's initial film to theaters and also to DVD.

So Dominion is the "actual" prequel if "actual" means first, earliest, initial, original.


Thank you for that explanation, I was very confused. I saw 'The Beginning' in the theater and then when I went on netflix to re-watch, I thought Dominion was the same one that I saw before. So I Was REALLLY confused when the story was vastly different.
