this movie was BORING

just watched this on scifi, sorry syfy lol. the original exorcist was great and definitely very creepy. i watched both prequels and neither compare to the original as far as scares go. dominion was very boring though and i can understand why the director was fired. i cant believe people actually think this is a good movie, but to each his own. if you really enjoyed the exorcist i wouldnt recommend either prequel, instead watch exorcist 3. (george c. scott is worth watching)


It's a good movie, but yes, not what people were expecting.


You're boring! :P

I thought it was a great film.



The problem with the film was simply the script! I could have written a far better screenplay in 2 days if I wanted to, as most people probably could too! This film had almost nothing to do with possession! The final standoff between Merrin and the Demon was about 10 minutes and didn't hold my interest for a second, due to the lack of story development and scares. This film is a great example of awful, awful, dull, boring screenwriting.

In the first Exorcist film, it's mentioned that it took Merrin a month or more to perform his first exorcism in Africa! Wow, I didn't know a month was actually 10 minutes! People have every right to go into this film with the prediction that it will mostly have to do with someone being possessed and being exorcised, not a religious battle between Native Africans and the British!


(*** spoilers ***)

I agree (although I have yet to see Exorcist III).

I found Exorcist The Beginning to be OK, but I haven't seen it recently, so it's hard to make a detailed comparison.

I can say that I found Dominion both tedious and laughable. And it was somewhat insulting. Big surprise that the deformed guy is demon-possessed.

The special effects (hyenas and cows, glowing eyes) were incredibly bad.

And a creature proclaiming its own perfection should probably be a lot better looking.

I really didn't see anything intellectual about this film at all, and I was looking forward to that. All I saw was a very simple story dragged out 40 minutes longer than it needed to be.


I am going to have to agree with you. This is one of the most boring horror movies I've ever watched and I've watched a lot of horror films. I had a hard time finishing it. Even Exorcist: The Beginning was better and I'm sure we'd all agree that it is a pretty lousy film too, but at least it had its entertaining moments.

"Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings."


The film is mainly allegorical with many layers of meaning. I can understand that someone expecting a pure horror movie would find it boring. As a movie though I found it very worthwhile and interesting.


yeah I tend to agree with you on this, this film was dry,, boring,, and slow moving.

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


and with hideous effects ...

- Thundering chords is what life's all about - Gerre
