The mystery of the church's origin

Did I miss something, or is this never adequately explained? Are we simply supposed to think that Christian missionaries from the 5th Century Byzantine Empire made it that that far south into Africa, and that the church is the first evidence of their presence there to ever be uncovered?


Stretching my memory here, but I got the idea that the rumor had spread that "Satan fell to earth" on that spot. Therefore the Church sent an expeditionary force to "seal" the spot, build a church over it, and strategically place those special downward-pointing angelic statues inside.


but I got the idea that the rumor had spread that "Satan fell to earth" on that spot.

I do not recall that being referenced in the film at all.

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I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


My bad... I should realized that I was accidentally thinking of Beginning, not Dominion. Beginning has the "cursed spot where Satan fell to earth". Sorry.


Oh, ok. I didn't bother watching Beginning.

- - - - - - -
I am not a fan. I just happen to enjoy movies. Fans are embarrassing.


Pretty sure it was 15th Century not 5th.


Nope it was 5th.

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