Where to Begin 1? Clara Bellar
Her performance is so bad in this movie that you can even see Stellan Skarsgård fighting off giving her scathing looks during his own acting performance. She stumbles through dialogue, looks like a blind person half the time.
At one point she gets up from the table in an attempt to be dramatic and looks like she has lost her way from Nirobi.
Look I understand she is French and all, but this was not a good performance. If you have a chance to watch the film....Just watch Stellan Skarsgård look at her with utter distain as she bumbles around in her lines so badly that at one point he even had to help her out.
Over all this movie is not bad. I have gone back and forth on which I felt was better. This or the Beginning. This movie at least attempts to get to the core of Maran and that is worthy, but neither film really lives up to the expectation.
The beginning was a want to be Indiana Jones with the Devil thrown in for good measure.
I wish both films were better. I wish they would have combined efforts and made one great film. But....NO!
The mistake they always make....And I mean in Exorcist 3 and these two films...Is that they think there has to be a final exorcist scene to make it viable. That is not so. Both of these prequels were not great, but what make the beginning so terrible is that end sequence. Otherwise the film was at least watchable.
I think someone should Exorcise the bad acting demon out of Clara. I've seen her in other films and she isn't bad. Here she is horrible.
Just to sum up.....The Exorcist, is one of my favorite films of all time. I wanted so much for there to be a great prequel. Maybe follow Maran through his early life and explore his crisis of faith......No. Hollywood thinks we just need bang for our buck. That we aren't intelligent enough to sit through a thought provoking movie without an exoricism climax.
Hollywood.....Be ashamed and say your penence....This was a sin!