MovieChat Forums > Sunshine (2007) Discussion > 100 Things I Learned from Sunshine

100 Things I Learned from Sunshine

Can't believe this thread is missing...

1) Extreme light therapy makes your body a vessel for a homicidal god and gives you superhuman strength and some weird cloaking ability.

2) If your precious garden catches fire you weep like a baby.

3) Duct tapped insulation makes for one hell of an improvised space suit.

4) A rotating antenna array can't be shutdown (stopped from spinning) to prevent burning up outside of the sunshield's protection.

5) If there's a fire in a sealed room, you can't vent the oxygen to space put it out, but flooding the room with pure O2 will do the trick.

6) You can perform an orbital slingshot operation by orbiting Mercury several times.

7) An advanced AI computer can't predict the trajectory of your payload beyond 45% accuracy.

8) Fissile material can restart fusion reaction in the Sun.

9) If you spend too much time in the video confession room, expect a beat down.

10) If you spend all your time focused on fuel loads and velocities you'll forget to adjust the sunshield and the only way to redeem such an offense is to hara-kiri yourself.

11) An advanced AI computer failed to parameter check the trajectory adjustments prior to applying them. And, it can't simply reorient the ship to lie in the shield shadow.

12) Waves make me peaceful.

13) 4% will blind you, but 3.1% is good for 30 seconds.


1) Extreme light therapy makes your body a vessel for a homicidal god and gives you superhuman strength and some weird cloaking ability.

Who does this?

2) If your precious garden catches fire you weep like a baby.

If this was my only source of oxygen and losing it meant my death and possibly the death of the entire human race, I'd be crying too.

3) Duct tapped insulation makes for one hell of an improvised space suit.

You gotta make do when things go wrong. Apollo 13 astronauts as I recall used a sock for a CO2 filter.

4) A rotating antenna array can't be shutdown (stopped from spinning) to prevent burning up outside of the sunshield's protection.

My thought too.

5) If there's a fire in a sealed room, you can't vent the oxygen to space put it out, but flooding the room with pure O2 will do the trick.

Based on the ship design there was no outdoor access.

7) An advanced AI computer can't predict the trajectory of your payload beyond 45% accuracy.

Not into the sun where - as was explained in the movie - pressure and gravity start warping space.

8) Fissile material can restart fusion reaction in the Sun.

Except that wasn't what they were doing.

9) If you spend too much time in the video confession room, expect a beat down.

Especially if you hog all the limited time remaining and prevent your fellow companions from contacting THEIR families, expect an EPIC @$$ kicking.

10) If you spend all your time focused on fuel loads and velocities you'll forget to adjust the sunshield and the only way to redeem such an offense is to hara-kiri yourself.

If it saved oxygen for your fellows to complete the mission, it seems like a good way to redeem yourself.

11) An advanced AI computer failed to parameter check the trajectory adjustments prior to applying them. And, it can't simply reorient the ship to lie in the shield shadow.

As I recall, Trey had manual control

12) Waves make me peaceful.

Me too!

"Can you keep a secret? Can you know something and never speak of it again?"



No single crew aboard would have the privilege of risking literally all people's lives for no better reason than that one of them decided he was just too awesome.
Who was the crew member aboard Icarus II who thought himself to be "too awesome"?

Trey certainly wouldn't even have the wherewithal to pilot Icarus manually. (It's not even his job. He's the Navigator. Cassie is the Pilot.)
I think you misunderstood the movie here. Trey didn't pilot Icarus at any time. As a pilot, Cassie knows how to steer the Icarus as long as it roughly follows the path that NASA* had pre-planned and pre-programmed into Icarus. As a specialist, Trey had the knowledge/expertise as well as the authority to re-calculate and re-program the global trajectory and/or any of the main systems of the ship in case of unforeseen (emergency) situations that needed improvisation; that was his role on the ship. Of course he would have consulted with the ground planning team at NASA HQ on Earth, but the events in the movie take place when Icarus had come so close to the Sun that communication with Earth was technically impossible.

In order to re-program Icarus' trajectory and to change certain settings, Trey had to access the computer system in "manual" mode. But at no point did Trey pilot the ship manually.

The crew as a whole had decided that the Icarus should deviate from its planned trajectory and retrieve the payload of Icarus I. Trey merely went on to do -reluctantly- the job that was expected of him, namely to calculate a safe approach trajectory that takes into account all gravitational forces, timing, velocities, estimated fuel consumption etc. and to re-program all the therefore necessary settings. In this overwhelming job, he had overlooked to recalculate the settings of the shield angles. And that's where it went wrong.

[*] I'm saying "NASA" but it's merely a placeholder for the name of the unnamed space agency that had launched Icarus into space, whether it was NASA, ESA, Roskosmos, CNSA, a collaboration of them, or a some fictional organization altogether.

last listened to: Michel Fugain - Une belle histoire


Blah blah blah...
- delalluvia
Apparently, you missed the spirit of this thread.

1) Extreme light therapy makes your body a vessel for a homicidal god and gives you superhuman strength and some weird cloaking ability.

Who does this?

If you actually watched the movie, then you saw Captain Pineneedle or whatever his name was with god like strength and the cloaking ability.

Now feel free to add #14 to the list so we can all have a good laugh. :)


Blah blah blah... - delalluvia
Apparently, you missed the spirit of this thread.

I only enjoy the spirit of such threads if they're right. If they are - like the OP - wrong about most of his/her points, then they need to be corrected.

1) Extreme light therapy makes your body a vessel for a homicidal god and gives you superhuman strength and some weird cloaking ability.

Who does this?
If you actually watched the movie, then you saw Captain Pineneedle or whatever his name was with god like strength and the cloaking ability.

I did watch the movie. At no point does Pinbacker show any superhuman strength or cloaking ability.

"Can you keep a secret? Can you know something and never speak of it again?"


I guess we watched 2 different movies then. Because Pineneedle clearly held up Cillian Murphy with one arm outstretched and every scene he was in he was blurred=cloaking ability. I noticed that none of the other actors were blurred hence they had no cloaking ability.



I had the feeling he was blurred because the movie's costume budget was too low to give him believable burns


8) Fissile material can restart fusion reaction in the Sun.

Except that wasn't what they were doing.

Can you explain what they were doing then? Because from the movie, they said, "We are creating a star within a star." And in another scene they said, "We already mined all the fissile material of earth for Icarus 1 and 2."

The only things you use fissile material for are bombs (fast fission), or reactors (moderated fission). Stars operate on neither principal. So maybe they explained in the movie how they were using fissile material to "create a star within a star." Can you explain it for me?



15. its best to send a group of people into space with NO solid agreement to stick to the mission

16. some films are just pretentious versions of Armageddon


17. the most humane way to kill a colleague is with a big scalpel and NOT a carefully administered injection which the ship surely must have had


18.) When on a one way trip to complete a mission with no oxygen to return. Do the humane thing and vote against anyone dying a day earlier because that would be bad...regardless of the consequences to the rest of mankind.


You are one dumb *beep*, aren't you? Laughable.

Hama cheez ba-Beer behtar meshawad!


19. Wearing a spacesuit even resembling Kenny in South Park will get you killed (you BASTARDS!)

Please, go...Stop smiling, it's not a joke. Please leave...The party's over. Get out.


Extreme light therapy makes your body a vessel for a homicidal god and gives you superhuman strength and some weird cloaking ability.

Wait....that's not entirely true. He was disfigured and burnt. How do you suppose he lived off for seven years in Icarus I when his supplies in his ship might have run out ?
What they witnessed was blurry and it could have been a hallucination.

If your precious garden catches fire you weep like a baby.

That precious garden was the source of food and oxygen.

Duct tapped insulation makes for one hell of an improvised space suit.

lol atleast that's what they came up with when they had no spare suits. Besides, it did protect the covered part of the body, didn't it?

An advanced AI computer can't predict the trajectory of your payload beyond 45% accuracy.

Maybe some sort of interference must have caused the distortion.

Fissile material can restart fusion reaction in the Sun.

I find that hard to believe. Yes, it helps sun to burn a little brighter for a little while....but birth of another star inside it is just unusual.

If you spend too much time in the video confession room, expect a beat down.

All these years in Space and they still havent become friends, they fight like children over a moment wasted to send a message.

An advanced AI computer failed to parameter check the trajectory adjustments prior to applying them. And, it can't simply reorient the ship to lie in the shield shadow.

The power blackout throughout the entire ship must have caused it. But it came back online and it depended on a manual trajectory setting.

Waves make me peaceful.

Yes , it calms me too. I like it in the beaches.

4% will blind you, but 3.1% is good for 30 seconds.

Now that's very accurate for Icarus II system which set the trajectory at 45% accuracy. 

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.



28. 8 years later Rose Byrne is still super cute.


What was she in 8 years before Sunshine?


The movie is 8 years old and she still looks good.


29. 3% of something is way more than 1.5x 2%.
30. It makes total sense to make the reflective coating of space suits and heat shields out of gold instead of aluminium, even though gold sucks at reflecting all the shorter, high-energy wavelengths.
31. Whatever magic fissile material can restart a fusion reaction can not just be dropped into the sun but needs to be delivered there by a team of astronauts who will then depart shortly before whatever happens happens.
32. Making a stupid remark about the composition of dust back in your living room when entering a spaceship wrecked in an unknown disaster is both tasteful and helpful.
33. Coming to a halt and taking off again with a huge payload relative to an object that's in orbit around the sun when previously you've been moving towards the sun is somehow not a big deal.
34. Pessimists christened the first Icarus the Icarus I right from the beginning in case there might be the need for an Icarus II.
35. Declaring a vote unanimous beforehand doesn't mean you can't change it to a simple majority vote when you don't like the outcome.


Ships advanced AI computer says nothing about a fifth person, that it doesn't know, being on board until it feels good and ready to.


Forgot to number it, that was 36


37- a mission captain does not need to make any decisions about anything- or do anything else for that matter- all calculations will be done by his subordinates without him having to check them, and the most important decision about the mission diversion is also not his.

38- two chances are better than one. Apparently, zero chances to succeed if finding Icarus I fails is also better than one- not that anyone considered it.

In the beginning there was nothing, and it exploded.


the most important decision about the mission diversion is also not his.

Except it WAS him who decided. Capa never said let's do it. He reluctantly said two chances are better than one - which is true in theory - but the captain made the final decision after he heard what he wanted to hear. Capa was just the scapegoat.

… sometimes one life… If it’s the right life… That’s enough. Goodbye, Harold."
John Reese


No, it was not. Well, we get hints Kaneda wanted to divert the mission, but made it seem Capa made the decision. He probably know what Capa would decide anyway, and maybe Capa even felt what Kaneda expected him to say. At any rate, Kaneda took a back seat in decision making or taking responsibility for it. And he was the mission captain.

In the beginning there was nothing, and it exploded.


39. Preparation for a follow-up mission to a first mission that failed for some unknown reason, does not include contingency planing for finding the ship from the first mission. Even if these missions are like the most important in the history of all of the world ... Figure it out as you go ... No big whoop.
