Cassie ends up in Ben's house after her family has an accident right in front of Ben's house. She is supposed to stay there for a few days. One would think that she would be incredibly sad as her parents are dead, but it dosent seems so. She chats normally with Ben, jokes with him. Since Ben is also not too happy with his parents, one day Cassie suggests that both of them should leave for her Aunt's home who is very 'hip' and they will be fine there. She uses intense vocublary many times in the movie (pipe dreams, intricate manners etc), which Ben finds confusing. She reveals that her father was a college professor and thats how she knows such phrases. She is shown to be excited about Ben (having a friend I guess), mostly very chattery and very clever. She is like the boss in couple and talks mostly like adults, which at least I found cute. While in their journey, she marries Ben (her idea) and even in marriage, she seems incredibly excited while Ben is confused. Once they get caught by police (although she almost makes them belive that both of them are with their dad, with her extraordinary conversational skills, but unfortunately they get caught)and she keeps demanding that she and 'her husband' (she calls Ben 'my husband' all the time) should get an attorney by law. They dont listen and put them in jail, but she even devices a plan and they escape. She gets jealuos when another girl says, about Ben, that he is gonna break many hearts (once Ben gets jealous too). When they reach her Aunt's house, she starts changing, her behavior changes. She becomes silent and serious. Then she becomes mentally sick. The reason is soul of the movie and I wont write. End of the movie is beautiful. All in all, AnnaSophia was the most important character of the movie and both of the leads have done incredible acting.
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