what's up with this movie?

If it really was at Cannes this year somebody should know something about it. Somebody should have a review somewhere. I've searched everywhere and I can't find a thing. My aunt went to the Cannes Film Festival this year and said it was never shown. Did she just miss it? Or was it not scheduled to be there?

Love is like only eating the green skittles because you like them the best.


I have been searching for a review also.
Has anyone seen the film?
It was made here in Albuquerque and surrounding area and My daughter had a small role. I am dying to see the finished product.
Any reviews???????


These are valid questions. The film did screen at Cannes (under a different name) and it was a closed event intended for securing international distribution only with no press or fans admitted. That is all I know (sorry about that). I will post additional information when it is released.


Just got word: "Have Dreams, Will Travel" will enjoy a high profile screening at the Rome Film Festival. Keep an eye on the official site as it will break soon (if it has not already).



The movie was not part of the Cannes festival, it was only shown to potential buyers for the international rights at the festival marketplace which is not open to the public. The film will be shown, for the very first time, at the Rome Film Festival at the "Alice in the City" festival section, which is the juvenile/family section. The film was not entered at the Cannes Festival because it was not submitted before the deadline and therefore only participated at the marketplace. After Rome, you will hear about it for sure!!


Apparently, Variety really hated it.



Do you have a link to the review?

"Innocence Has A Power Evil Cannot Imagine"
Pan's Labryinth


screw Variety


I certainly am not one to believe just any reviewer, and this one seems to not like AnnaSophia's performance in "Bridge to Terebithia", but here is a link, for those interested in reading the Variety review: http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117935242.html?categoryid=31&cs=1 &query=Have+Dreams%2C+Will+Travel+%282007%29+
Eddy ~~~

"Gibbs, I'm fine! I have only one stalker, and he has an alibi."


What a Joke... AnnaSophia was bomb was in BTT. I refuse to read that garbage. They have no idea what they are talking about

"You've Got to Keep Your Mind Wide Open" - AnnaSophia Robb


if they think BTT was bad and it was good then their opinions on HDWT must be the same way so if they say its bad then it must be good!

"close you're eyes and keep you're mind wide open"


"this one seems to not like AnnaSophia's performance in "Bridge to Terebithia""

they said that she was much better in BTT than in HDWT

The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense. - Tom Clancy


I have seen both movies and I think those performances cant be compared. They are very differet, and I liked them both very much (both movies are some of my favorites). In BTT, Anna was more cute and lovable, that I would agree on, but that was because of the character. The character of Leslie had to be cute and charming.
In HDWT, she is an accident survivor, who although dosent let you know, but is a bit mentally unstable. Performance wise I think both performances were really good.

My game reviews -http://kittoo4202004.blogspot.com


Cassie in Have Dreams Will Travel was a bit more complex of a character than Leslie in btt. That said, I was still more fond of and found myself more connected with Leslie. Leslie views most things in a very positive light and uses her creativity and free-spirit to help others who are struggling with themselves. Yet at the same time, she was still an innocent child who simply wanted to act her age and share her imagination with the people around her.

Cassie shares some similarities to Leslie's character: She becomes determined to help Ben make something of his young self before he further rots within his neglected existence at home. She also has an intellect that surpasses most kids at her age, through her father's education. While Leslie was a girl who wanted to make friends and wanted others around her to feel welcome and imaginative; Cassie was a girl who's troubled past made her determined to turn everything around so she could live a more joyful life with Ben and her Aunt and Uncle and forget about the horrific accident that happened. Unfortunately, she struggles with those memories and guilt and proggresively gets worse throughout the film. Cassie's determination to get rid of her mental instability combined with her superior intellect makes her sort of the 'boss' in her's and Ben's relationship. While most of this stuff would be considered cutesy and adorable throughout the film, it leads to some pretty moving parts in the end.

Have Dreams, Will Travel was made after BTT, and I could tell that Annasophia's acting skills have improved since BTT, not that her performance in the previous film was bad by any means. Like I said before, Cassie was a more complex character who spends the entire film trying to keep sane and eventually breaks down. Leslie, on the other hand, is the 'live your life to the fullest' figure who wouldn't give up regardless of her trouble fitting in with her peers. Annasophia does a good job handling Cassie's complexities as a character, but some stiff and awkward dialogue in Have Dreams threw me off a little. Whether it be her character's upbringing or some awkward lines Annasophia had to read, Cassie's 'mature-way-beyond-her years' attitude has harder for me to digest than Leslie's free-spirited and innocent behavior as a 11-12 year old kid.

Theres more to living that being a alive.


Totally agree. Although I didnt mind Cassie's high level of intellect and dialogue most of the times, cause they solidified her position as 'boss', but I didnt like a little mention of sex by her. By no means I am saying that Cassie couldnt talk about it, but I didnt understand the point of showing it in movie. It only made it go over the top.

My game reviews -http://kittoo4202004.blogspot.com


Definitely. I'm not one of those people who think of good child actresses as 'potty-mouths' or trying to sound too mature, but I just think some of those lines were just thrown in for effect, and sometimes they turned out to be unnecessary. Cassie's mentioning of her not being ready for sex is, imo, one of those comedic aspects that were added in for that 'cutesy let's-act-like-married-adults' atmosphere that Cassie and Ben were trying to bring out in the movie. While I thought it was just that, there were a couple lines in the film when I thought to myself, "Did she really NEED to say that?" or "Why does it sound like she's reading off a textbook?". While the director wanted to show that these two were genuinely making plans for their future and being serious about it, he/she at times tried to push that message into the audience, leading to some awkward phases. These were really the only few criticisms I gave the film. I enjoyed Have Dreams, a lot and it was another job well-done by Annasophia and also the supporting actors (especially Val Kilmer, who was awesome in his brief appearance), there was just a missing vibe that I experienced when watching BTT.



I also thought Val did a tremedous job. As mentioned it was only for like 10 minutes... but that was a darn good 10 minutes : D

I thought the sex line was funny... You hit it right on the head John when by saying it was "cutesy" because that's exactly what it is. It's meant to be a "giggler", something that is amusing and brings up the mood so to speak. It is a fairly dark film at times, especially towards the end, so I think the lighthearted humor worked very well.

"You've Got to Keep Your Mind Wide Open" - AnnaSophia Robb
