
I haven't seen this in four years, but it was on IFC recently and it got me thinking about the legacy of SPVTW.

There were quite a few young, little known actors in this film. It seems that none of them has amounted to much since. This was literally a career killer for Michael Cera?

The overt hipster gimmicky nature of this film was a huge mainstream turn off. I get that it has a large cult following. The entire 'hipster' thing in general was too contrived and inorganic from the beginning, now its just a laughable marketing scheme.

In retrospect, SPVTW typifies this.

I'll take Punctuality


What was hipster about it? The music? The references to video games? The lazy 20-something characters who were having trouble growing up? As far as I could see, none of the characters had beards, or dressed like a 1970's reject. All the music was energetic and upbeat, too. Isn't the hipster stereotype to dress stupid and be really apathetic and ironic? Scott and his friends were just nerdy kids into alternative music and video games.

Also, Aubrey Plaza ain't doin' too bad. I'm pretty sure people were getting tired of Michael Cera before this movie came out, too.

Cynicism is easy.


The film has been considered a hipster manifesto.

Cynicism is difficult.

I'll take Punctuality


By who, exactly? Posters of IMDB.com? Because they're the leading intellectuals on what a hipster is? Forgive me if I'm not convinced. And also, that's my signature.

Cynicism is easy.


I mean of you enjoy satire and have a wide taste in music, this is a pretty fantastic movie.


The supporting cast is doing pretty well. Aubrey Plaza's had a good run on Parks and Recreation, Anna Kendrick is in the Pitch Perfect movies, Brie Larson is being looked at as an Oscar nominee for Room, and Chris Evans is Captain America.


Pretty much what all above posts have said. It seems like Michael Cera's heyday has since subsided, but the supporting cast is doing extremely well.

Anna Kendrick is fairly popular and the star of the Pitch Perfect franchise. Chris Evans... no comment needed. Brie Larson (who is now my #1 favorite actress by the way) is a Golden Globe winner, Oscar nominee and likely Oscar winner for her role in one of the best films I've ever seen in my entire life. Oh, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is starring in one of the most out-of-nowhere movies ever, 10 Cloverfield Lane, which I'm sure will be huge.


Literally, every single young, little-known actor in this has done quite well for themselves.


This film is loaded, not sure what legacy failures you're thinking of.

...top 50 http://www.imdb.com/list/ls056413299/
