Why would a vegan punch a girl?
Doesn't make any sense. Plus, any vegan would know what incorrigible means.
Stupid film.
David Bowie (1947-2016)
Alan Rickman (1946-2016)
Prince (Rogers Nelson) (1958-2016)
Doesn't make any sense. Plus, any vegan would know what incorrigible means.
Stupid film.
David Bowie (1947-2016)
Alan Rickman (1946-2016)
Prince (Rogers Nelson) (1958-2016)
^^Found the offended vegan.
except a bunch of fascist opinions that everyone should follow or they are killing the world.
shareYeah, in the comic, it was the drummer who punched Knives' highlights out with a bionic arm. Much later, Envy discovers Todd was cheating on her with the drummer and went after him with Ramona's hammer. Todd knocks Envy out, to everyone's disapproval. He then says, "I can totally hit a girl. I'm a rock star. "
Basically, the comic had the fued between Bom-omb and Clash last a lot longer, and was a LOT better than the movie, which tried to condense everything and ended up making a hash of everything.
They even took out the Honest Ed's fight, which ended in Scott running around aimlessly with a bicycle helmet and cheap sunglasses while Todd was on the ground lamenting his father's disapproval. Great scene which never made it to the movie.
Also not in the movie was the correct bass battle scene. In the comic, The Boys couped against Crash and learned how to psychically play non-existent instruments. While Scott is facing off against Todd at bass, The Boys join Scott to try to help him face Todd. After Todd fends them off, the Vegan police spring out at Todd for eating gelato earlier.
Yes, the comic is much better, explains a LOT of back story, and portrays Scott NOT as a whiny douche you want to punch out, but as a laid back guy who probably could kick your ass if he wanted to, but he's too nice a guy to do that.
he clearly states that he's not afraid to hit a girl and that he's a rockstar...