In the Eagles/Giants game I know the player wasn't supposed to hit Wahlberg (they kicked him out when he did it) but how much of that was editing. It sure as hell looked like Wahlberg took the full hit and got right back up and kept running. Fantastic editing if that is what it was. Does anybody know for sure how real and how fake it was.
Walberg probably didn't expect the hit...but the director more than likely screamed for him to get up and to continue the scene...since there was no dialog this would have been easy to do.
I agree that you guys are right on both counts. It's just that I didn't expect to see an actor do it. I mean it was some hell of a hit. I guess Wahlberg isn't as fragile as I thought.
If you've ever played football before, you know that when you get hit, it doesn't hurt that bad. Even on those big hits you see in the NFL, players get right back up, not because they're "tough", but because it just wasn't that big of a deal.
Do we know for a fact that the Giants player wasn't supposed to hit Wahlberg? I know you can read that in the trivia section, but a couple things happened in that shot that made me think it was a planned hit:
The referee following the play threw his hat down at the spot where Papale was knocked out of bounds. In the NFL, when a player on the punting team goes out of bounds after the kick, he is not allowed to be the first person to touch the ball. The game official will signify the event by dropping his hat where the defender went out of bounds.
Now unless the person playing the official was actually an official, he wouldn't know to do that. Even if he did know the rule, I doubt seriously he would've instinctively responded by dropping his hat.
Second, watch the reaction of the coaches/players on the sideline when Wahlberg gets hit. Not one of them react to the hit, even to look down at him... they keep looking downfield in the direction of the punt. I would think if something that unscripted happened, at least one of them would've broken character, at least looked down.
Is it possible everyone BUT Wahlberg knew what was going to happen?
PLus look at what hapened in the last scene. They were holding him to keep him from making a tackle. Not that it worked anyway. So they had to step it up a notch.
They dicuss this in the DVD extras. It wasn't supposed to be a full blown hit. The scene was choreographed but the timing was off and Wahlberg took the full speed hit that was allegedly as bad as it looks on video.
Vince Papale said he doesn't remember getting hit that hard in his NFL career.
Yes, in the bonus feature Vince does say that he was way impressed with Wahlberg and when you see it a few times, you know he got his bell rung. Doesn't hurt when you get hit??? What would make you say that? Of course it does.
What would make me say that is that I've played football for numerous years and been trucked plenty of times. It doesn't hurt bad at all. ESPECIALLY a shot like he got hit with (a blindside body/shoulder shot). The shots that really hurt are the ones were helmets collide and it kills your head to HELL and you get dizzy lol.
Here's the deal. The player who hit Mark Wahlberg was G.J. Crescione who played D 1-AA for Delaware; Some other guy named Mike Basczor lied and took credit for that hit in his local paper when the movie came out but GJ was one of the main football guys the whole film. The hit was planned and choreographed. They only went 3/4 speed but shown in slow motion appears very gruesome. Don't get me wrong GJ hit him hard, so hard in fact that Mark was a little late for the next day's shooting. If Mark wasn't ready for the hit he would've been stunned, probably too stunned to get right back up and finish the scene.
They didn't kick the player out when Mark Wahlberg got hit. The hit was choreographed and they went 3/4 speed when they shot it. It was a good hit but was part of the script. What made it look great was the bump Mark took when taking the hit.
the guy that was supposed to hit whalberg mistimed his hit and hit him straight on , not as quariagraphed (sorry for the spelling).There was nothing computer graphics about that hit. I saw the bonus feature today and he got hit REALLY hard, yet he got up really fast, faster than in the movie. Big props to Whalberg!!
Thats what is said on the DVD but not exactly what happened. The hit was choreographed but filmed at a slower speed but he still got hit hard and knew it was coming. No one said anything about computer graphics.
A reply to a post about the official throwing his hat because Wahlberg went out of bounds. That is true but I belive that if a player is forced out of bounds by an opponent and without hesitation returns to the field of play he may legally be the first to touch the ball/ball carrier.