What did she write?

In the film, what did Vince's ex wife write in that letter he kept in his locker?


you see whats written several times in the movie, i dont know how you missed it. basically that he would never be anyone or do anything important.

~life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away~


Oh I didn't miss it, I just wanted to know word for word what it said.


I'm probably off on this, but it says something along the lines of:

You'll never make it
You will never make any money
And you'll always be alone

I don't know about that last line, I feel like I'm making it up.



You'll never go anywhere
You'll never make any money
and you'll never make a name for yourself.

"I'll make him an offer he can't refuse" - Vito Corleone, The Godfather.


Thanks, man. I knew I had it totally screwed up.
