MovieChat Forums > Invincible (2006) Discussion > I have some questions about 'North Ameri...

I have some questions about 'North American' style Football!

Im talking about the sport, not politics or silly arguements like other threads. Its just taste of course, personal preference, but I actually prefer...(Im not sure what you'd call it)...the 'North American' style of Football (excluding Mexico of course) to "Soccer" style football and had a few questions. I guess I prefer it because its more of a contact sport like Hockey. I even prefer the Australian style to soccer style for the same reason, but like I said its just taste--I dont think any of them are better or superior in any way, just different. So, Im hoping some of you with more knowledge about these sports might share something about these questions (and please dont even reply if youre going to start the "whats better" or "political" garbage). I'd just like to know what its like where youre from, and what it seems like to you regarding:

1) It seems that NFL Europe is actually gaining popularity, but I wondered just HOW popular the sport is becoming throughout the EU? Can more Europeans give an idea of how popular it is in their area, or how well they like it?

2) Is North American-style Football, popular (or gaining popularity) at all in the "A" continents:




**Please post your opinions! Id love to hear what its like in your area!!

"Are you righteous? Kind? Does your confidence lie in this? Are you loved by all? Know that I was, too. Do you imagine your suffering will be any less because you loved goodness and truth?" - Corporal Fife, in Malicks' philosophical masterpiece 'The Thin Red Line' (


Certainly not in South Africa. The most popular game here is soccer, but the best game is Rugby. The REAL brand, not that pansy Ausie version :-)


Well i'm not sure about Europe, but in Britain it's getting a bit more popular now it's on TV. The Giants v Dolphins game that is being played at Wembley in London sold out in 30mins. So it's obviously pretty popular if 90000 tickets went that fast.

Unfortunately I can't see it ever taking off over here, as there's alot of ignorance regarding the sport. Everyone in England thinks it's a sport for pu**ies, as everyone wears helmets and pads. It's seen as a soft version of rugby, which is stupid, as the only thing the two sports have in common is the shape of the ball.

I think it's a quality sport, not too sure why it's called football though tbh.

Wicked film by the way.


Well I can only speak for me and my little group of friends...

And NFL is immensely popular. We watch every Sunday night. I come from Denmark /Go Morten Andersen!!!) and The Super Bowl two years ago had just around 90.000 viewers (I have access to these numbers, being a Media Science student at the University), and in a country with only 5 million inhabitants that's a huge number considering its on at about 2 AM on a Sunday...

I can also tell you that besides watching each Sunday we throw a Thanksgiving party every year, with the traditional American Thanksgiving turkey-dinner (I cook the turkey...) and a Super Bowl party every year (Last year we had Philly Cheese Steaks. aaarrrgghhh!!!)

All in all I would say that American Football is my very favourite sport in the whole world!!!!

You Sunk My Battleship!!!


Football for pus*ies? Ahh, I laugh mightily. Pads or not, get hit by an NFL lineman then by a rugby player and tell me which it takes you longer to get up from.



1. I'm from the Netherlands..and well it is gaining in popularity a little bit..but it's still not nearly as popular as something like hockey(not ice)..not to even mention the most populair sport in the Netherlands, football (as for you Americans,soccer) There are some minor leagues and teams of American Football but that's really it.. and The Amsterdam Admirals, what i hear.. exist only of players who got rejected or did not make the roster in the NFL.. so do the math of the level of american football in the netherlands..The level in Spain and Germany is a bit higher.. but wouldn't know about the popularity in those countries

just making a small note, i DO think football is superior to any other sport..other sports use hand-eye coƶrdination, which is a lot easier.. try shooting a ball through a hoop with your feet? and you Americans, well in a way it is funny.. but you tend to make EVERYTHING..and i mean everything a show.. i mean the scores :P come on:P 6 if you make a touchdown, basketball 2 points standard, possibility of gotta admit.. you americans like the SHOW and big sensational scores :P

2. No idea


sorry if we dont like to watch a 4 hour game with a 1-0 score were you cant use your hands.


'Soccer' games only last 90mins mate.


thats okay, you are excused.


I am from America so I cannot say exactly how popular American Football is in EU right now, however I would say it is increasing in its popularity. From my understanding we send many of our "amatuer" league and backup players to play for the EU Football league every year and the demand is increasing.

Also after the Cardinals/Steelers superbowl this year there was a bit of contraversy concerning the 2015 (i think?) superbowl being held in London as if there is another superbowl game with a team like the Cardinals (who have never hosted a superbowl thus fanfare hit a high) would be unable to send its "true" fans to see their team actually play in a championship

I personally like the idea of spreading the sport overseas but I don't expect to see a huge international world championship for at LEAST another 50-75 years as us Americans are still unable to compete in "soccer" football with the rest of the world.

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
No power in the Verse can stop me.



I disagree completely with what CiCoro1989 says, about sport in the UK especially.
"Rugby is kinda popular in the UK" How can you possibly say its kinda popular? It is easily one of the big 3 sports in England (Soccer, Rugby, Cricket).
God then you go on to say its only popular in the UK. France could easily be called the biggest rugby country in Europe (Defiantly in money terms), Italy is also another rugby country.
Now to find fault with another part of your post. American Football is now also played in organised leagues by most of the major universities, Before you go ahead and make a statement about somewhere you don't live do a little research, moron. For the last few years Channel 5 has brought football to England and even BBC covers the more major matches, eg the Superbowl.
CiCorol1989 go have a ciesta instead of making incorrect statements.


Here in Italy American Football is not popular at all.
I saw the Super Bowl on sunday just to see what all the fuss is it about... I thought was too long and boring. Personal taste, as you say.
But I think it's wrong to compare American football to European football. They're nothing alike!
On the other hand I can see some similarities between American football and Rugby.
Anyways, here in Italy football is by far the most popular sport, however Rugby (the best sport ever if you ask me) is gaining popularity.

You just *beep* with the wrong rhino, pal!


I play AmFootball for a University team here in Britain, I'd say it's gaining popularity fast, however with competition from rugby I'd say it's never going to get any real attention.

SkySports and other channels show all the sunday games and the superbowl always gets a big following, however seeing how I mostly only see what people I know do and they are mostly students they might just be looking for any excuse for a drink.

Saying that there's always a big non student following at any superbowl parties at any bars I've been to.


I know this is an old post. NFL Europe was disbanded after the 2007 season.

The NFL schedules one regular season game a year in Europe.
