Awful movie

A thriller without a thrill, suspense with no suspense and drama with no drama. The story is completley unbilevable and the directing ridiculous. It's got some funny lines, but that's all. The only good thing is the amused look on Freeman' face, like he knows how ridiculous the movie is. I seriously doubt that this movie will ever see the light of movie theatre.


Couldnt agree more. The plot was not only ludicrous but completely predictable. From the beginning, the patheticly overused plot of a rebelling teen and the single parent was enough to tell you the entire plot. Even as an entertaining action flick it was miserable - every scene was predictable. How much did they have to offer celebrities like Freeman and Cusack to do such an inane film??? Very sad....




Only stupid people will say this is "unbilevable". Your lingual talents tell us everything about the value of your 'opinion'. What an idiot you are.


The movie was still disappointing.

If you love Satan and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Wow, so he typoes on one word and that negates his entire opinion? Grow up.

"Bad Artists Imitate. Great Artists Steal." ~Pablo Picasso


lol... So, the guy who said "you misspelled this word, therefore you are an idiot and unworthy of a serious approach" is the actual idiot? I love this world... nothing is at it seems at first glance...

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
