As bad as it gets.....

Usually, no matter how bad a movie is, I fight through it. Part of it is the proverbial "sunk cost" theory, where I have already invested enough time to figure out how bad the movie is, that I end up sticking it out. This movie was so bad, the characters so unlikable (and lacking), that I stopped the DVD midway through and just sat in stunned silence for 5 minutes.

I guess it goes back to Movie Rental 101, that states if you see major stars on the cover of a DVD you have never heard of, don't I feel dumber for watching even half of this disaster........


Thats true, these things come out straight to dvd for a reason. This is one of the worst films i ever saw, I wanted to go back to blockbuster and frizbee the dvd back at them at eye level.

if you want to see an amazing film with a pretty similar plot, see 3:10 to Yuma, and see how the idea can be done well


I agree with both comments, and I thought the same..
The thing is..
Some friends forced me to go watch this at the cinema..
I told them, I've warned them..

I hope you feel sorry for me.
I feel sorry for the film.

There is a thin line between Love and Hate.

Ai wa kanari itai.
