The structure is lacking *SPOILERS*
You just have to keep asking yourself why. There are many posts here that ask some of the whys this movie creates but none (so far as I've read) that ask some of the biggest whys.
Why would anyone send a five man assassin squad to kill one person? Yes the news says he's a recluse but come on. Forget the horrifically complicated plan of killing the son so you can kill the father at the funeral it's idiotic. Simply put a sniper outside his window and wait. Or, as what eventually does happen, catch him on his yacht or in transit some other way. I understand this movie isn't taking home any Oscars but someone comes to me with a script that on page 2 has five super high speed low drag assassins preparing to kill one ordinary citizen and I'm going to send them packing.
Another why, why did this move get the green light?