This epic tale of a contact killer and and his partners trying to outsmart a dad and his 14 year old son is riveting. A storyline so intriguing as this will not be forgotten.
As for the acting.......... it doesn't get any better.
Let us all pray there will be a sequel.


Is that supposed to be a joke?
The only reason i would like to see a season is too see that ugly bent woman police officer get her head blown off by freeman.



I was actually thinking of a prequel. Wouldn't it be great to see the back story of this courageous cop and his semi-retarded son. I loved how the 14 yr old son would suddenly act like he was 5 during comedic relief or cutesy scenes. I just wonder what he was like as a real baby. I bet he said witty things like in Look Whos Talking.

I also liked how Morgan Freeman's character was allowed to take his handcuffs off about 8 times and almost escaped every time. It really kept you guessing. And lets not forget Let's NOT forget the FBI taking over the case from the local cops and telling the local cops to go get coffee!! OMG!11 LOLerzz!!11


yes this was horrible, some of the worst acting i've ever seen from everyone except Freeman, and even as much as I like Morgan he was miscast as an emotionless killer, the kid who plays the son and the black guy trying to rescue Freeman were laughable with their terrible acting, what was anyone thinking with this, it even looks like at times that Freeman's just looking like what the hell are we doing here, this film can't decide whether it wants to be a sobby father/son bonding story, rambo, or a political thriller, it wound up being a comedy.


This must have been one of the worst movies ever! The sad thing is I actually watched the whole thing. Absolutely no worthwhile plot, no action and little interaction. Save yourself the 83 minutes or so and rent anything else.


bahahahaha... agreed, movies don't get much worse than this one.

"Come in with the milk. Come in with the milk. Come in with the milk..."



hahahahahahahahahahah:DD... thanks for the laugh :D

"Come in with the milk. Come in with the milk. Come in with the milk..."
