What was your high school gym teacher like?
Wondering if anyone had the kind of gym teacher that would or be able to take on 4 trained hit men in the woods with their pot head son in tow.....?
shareWondering if anyone had the kind of gym teacher that would or be able to take on 4 trained hit men in the woods with their pot head son in tow.....?
shareYes, but they were all women
shareShe would sit on a desk, eating a bag of microwave poporn and bark out orders to us. lol
Dreading the start of my master's courses in the fall. :(
technically we had four:
the female- probably not. though i would like to say yes because she has died from cancer.
the main male- probably not. though he did have an affair with the english teacher, so he would be busy
the second male- yes. he was short but was freaken strong
the last male- no. he taught life sports (fishing, bowling, golf, etc.) and is not in shape.
Yankee Who
HA... good one samtgl
My daughters teacher at least stands a 50 50 chance of doing so. The female gym teacher that she DOESNT have is the same height and build (no kidding) as Cusack. She may do even better.
Another teacher in the same school is so damn shy he can ONLY speak with kids - gets way to nervous around anyone over 13.