This movie was completely ridiculous in every aspect. The entire plot was illogical and the characters all came across as morons. When I saw Freeman and Cusack in the cast, I expected to be entertained, not annoyed, but annoyed is what I got. I actually feel less intelligent for having watched it. They should have some kind of support group for us victims of this horrible film. Avoid wasting your time with this one if you can.
Is it really necesssary to make such awful movies? Is it really necessary for two big ones like Freeman and Cusack? As Unwavering says we need support groups for the victims!
it wasn't that bad, considering i watched a 1/10 movie earlier today
96 minutes of my life I'll never get back...
...when can people learn to be a little more original with their criticisms? "OMFG i just wasted 2 hours of my life" ... "i hope they pay me next time to watch this thing" ... "don't waste your time on this crap" ... "i could've been jerkin off instead of watching this..." yeah yeah yeah there's nothing wrong with not liking a film, but there's something wrong with (1) exaggerating how bad films are every time you don't feel like they're 10/10, (2) not admitting that you frequently exaggerate how bad a film is and very likely going to respond to my message with some very angry stuff containing nitpicking comments about my word choice, (3) causing a generally silent guy like me to finally feel annoyed enough to decide to get this out
I thought the film was fine, but had it sucked bad i'd still be typing this right now. Let me say, your whining is not exactly constructive.
Man... that was one minute of my life wasted replying to you... Enough said!
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I agree completely, I hate when people say " x number of my life Ill never get back". What else would you have likely been doing?? It's a movie, and not the worse one at that! It's not like you'd be doing any productive like writing a novel or finding the cure for cancer.
Hell, you probably just wasted an hour reading this board and writing your post and another hour constantly refreshing to see if anyone replied to your lame post.
This movie WAS pretty bad. At the most it was watchable. Maybe Morgan Freeman and John Cusack were doing it as a favor for some one. That's the only reason I can see that they would agree to do it. The dialogue was horrible and laughable at times.