This film deserved to be so much better
It just did not work and this is one of the most compelling, horrific story of these heinous crimes against young women going on literally right below us. I cannot put my finger on it. The back story of Banderas character wuold have been nice. The ridiculous blonde pageboy on Jennifer....just diminished the story. Who was Sonya Braga? Someone of her obvious wealth and connection could not makem or of an impact??
Nava should have taken a look at Soderbergh and his treatment of Taffick and done something similar. A quasi documentary...I think it is extremely important to tell how NAFTA has exacerbated the evil that permeates in these these American companies do NOTHING to help with the infrastructure of the very people they exploit to make their goods (and before I hear how the savings are 'passed on to Americans' is not that much..the money is going directly into corporate pockets).
There was no clear understanding of where the corruption is...with the policia..the american companies??
Jennifer works one day in the factory and is raped that night? Plus..what happened to the fact she "barely spoke Spanish," it just made an important story ridiculous.