No cellphone??

Jennifer Lopez's character could have taken a cellphone to be in touch with Antonio's character when they try and lure the Bus driver into the trap.

Someone give JLo & Antonio cellphones and a few more brain cells to the scriptwriters!!!!!


Well, I think she did take her cel phone. Because after she gets away and they cut to Antonio's character and the waiting cops, someone off-screen says they just got a call from her, and she's at a junkyard. I don't remember if they said it was from her cel, but I think they might have said that. Why she didn't call sooner (like when she realized she was headed to a different location) is beyond me. I guess she thought the rocks in purse were going to do the trick.

I thought this movie was really good and intense, though the "plan" of Jennifer Lopez's character wasn't much of one at all. It made her previously intelligent character come across as not too smart in this scene.

The rest of the movie was quite good though. Good story. Important issues. Good acting. Worth seeing!


What happened was that she was suppose to be some poor worker. if she had shown that she had a cell phone the guy probably wouldn't have tried anything.


yea and aside from her being a poor worker she didnt know how to speak spanish and would have had to talk in english so the bus driver might have caught on and tried 2 kill her sooner...


also to add, If you noticed she was breathing real hard as in she was starting to have a panic attack. thats why she didnt equip the rock when the guy initially came at her , If u ever have a situation like this ( I been robbed with a gun to my face lol) You dont think about stuff like cell phones etc.. U go into a panic mode where you feel like your going to die. Is not a feeling you can explain is like you see death in your face and you have to make a choice then and there no matter what you dont think until after the danger is over then you come back into reality.


And how come the victims are raped but they have their clothes on the crime scene photos?

Women are like deer - You can't just charge in, you gotta stalk 'em...


They weren't all fully clothed in the crime scene photos that she was looking at. There was one or two where you saw the woman's bare buttocks, the pants had been pulled down.

"You can't tell me nothin' if you ain't had an 8-track." -Sinbad


I am sorry, I didn't make clear enough I didn't mean all of the victims.

Women are like deer - You can't just charge in, you gotta stalk 'em...


That is the best signature line ever.


It is Terry Pratchet's :)

Women are like deer - You can't just charge in, you gotta stalk 'em...


Its stated at the beginning that different killers left different marks on their victims...some bit the victims on their breast some left bruises on the most likely all of the victims werent left with their pants down because the crime was commited by a different killer who had a different approach.


Yeah, I can see the confusion there. Here is the deal, Lopez' character was suppose to be this helpless Mexican woman with no resources. Her calling someone on a cell phone while at the bus would have shifted the plans of the driver. Maybe by doing that he would have drop her off without really taking her hostage or even attack her and then drive somewhere else away from the place. Him not knowing that she had a phone was a good plan.

She was a the junk yard, I really doubt they have paid phones there. Plus in Mexico you need to have these pre-paid phone cards in order to use the phone, there are no coin operated phones anymore. She called the authorities and clearly this wad due to her cell phone.

The thing that they should have done was wearing a wire where they could hear her every move. She could have said to her self "Why are you taking me to a junk yard?" or something that would have given the authorities a clue of where she was at. Yet, that would have had been a little out there because they were not working with the FBI and she didn't had those resources.


Internet and cellphone signal sucks in Mexico.

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!
