What's the time frame for this movie? Is it a few months, a year? Does anyone know? I'm just curious.
Best guess: two years and a few months
Key scenes and songs arranged in chronological order with probable time frames included:
1. Prom scene - "Hold Me Tight" - May 1966
2. Jude departs for America - "All My Loving" - a bit later
3. Jude meets Max at Princeton University - "With A Littrle Help From My Friends" - September 1966
4. Jude meets Lucy during her family's Thanksgiving gathering - November 1966
5. Max and Jude go to New York City
6. JoJo's brother dies in Detroit riot - July 23, 1967 (historic incident)
7. Lucy comes to New York City - "If I Fell" - summer 1967
8. Max goes off to Viet Nam
9. Jude and Lucy share an apartment - "Something" - winter 1967-1968 (snow is falling)
10. Jude sees television coverage of assassination of Martin Luther King in storefront window - "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" - April 4, 1968 (historic event)
11. Jude is arrested at Columbia University protest - "Helter Skelter" - April 23, 1968 (historic event)
12. Jude is deported back to Liverpool
13. Lucy is at a Washington DC protest. In a phone booth talking to her Mom, she says that the cherry blossoms are out - May 1968 (the actual protest march being referenced occurred in 1966, so in this case a bit of poetic license was used to re-arrange the fictional time line a bit compared to the historic time line)
14. Jude reads in a Liverpool newspaper about the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion and worries about Lucy's well-being - sometime later in 1968 (the actual historic blast occurred in 1970, so poetic license used once again)
15. Jude hears from Max that Lucy is OK, Jude decides to come back to America, this time legally - "Hey Jude" - summer 1968
16. Jude and Lucy re-unite - "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" - late summer to early fall of 1968