She only said mixed martial arts so she could add "which is not an art" if she said "cage fighting which is not an art" it wouldn't have made much sense. Dana's reply was best saying it was "an uneducated comment" she was banging on about how diverse Hollywood is when the UFC is far more diverse and MMA itself is world wide.
Yeah her point was Donald takes the art out of entertainment. He is a reality show host. If it were up to him we would be watching NFL and MMA, which is not an unfair assesment. I dont care that she dosent consider MMA as one of the arts. I enjoy it on TV now but even I wouldnt want it to be on tv 24 hrs a day 7 days a week on every chanel Im in to MMA and Im in to Meryl Strep. Im not into Trump but Im into supporting our government so Im not overly sensitive about what she said. You just cant have everything.
"Hi, excuse me. Can you use your karate to open up this pickle jar?"