MovieChat Forums > Paradise Now (2005) Discussion > Israel discriminates against Arab and Af...

Israel discriminates against Arab and African Jews

Arab and African Jewish Israeli citizens, in addition to Palestinian Muslims living in Israeli borders, are discriminated against by the majority of European Israelis. They might be "equal" on paper, just like Blacks and Latinos are "equal" on paper here in the U.S



wow, thats a pretty subjecting thought process u got. loving the people that think theyre better than you? and saying that they have to work harder to become equal? but then again i'm pretty sure ur whole perspective on justice is jacked up seeing as how u love a terrorist state like Israel



"It is the only country where Jews can be safe."

Well Jews are pretty safe in America too.:-)

"A real man would rather bow down to a strong woman than dominate a weak one"



I know what you mean pizzaa. I feel soo sorry for Christians who live in Muslim nations.:-(

"A real man would rather bow down to a strong woman than dominate a weak one"


I feel soo sorry for Christians who live in Muslim nations.:-(

I feel sorry for Muslims who live in Muslim nations.

"You're not're just in congress" - Charlie Wilson's War



Very well said pizzaa! We'll have to wait and see if Kosovo establishes Sharia law.:(

"A real man would rather bow down to a strong woman than dominate a weak one"




Great comeback, the last people in the world who should be condemning anyone for bigotry are Muslims, just look at Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. Islam = War and Oppression!

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.



You are either a first rate moron or a total liar. Saudi Arabia bans all Jews, period, and forbids all religious practices except Islam; bibles and crosses are banned. If you want to stick up for scum like that, then so are you. In Pakistan, Christians are routinely persecuted. They support the Taliban, hide Osama and kill each other over Shia-Sunni issues. Remember the elections earlier there? You are spewing a bunch of Muslim propaganda because you are either a Muslim or a complete left wing idiot. Your Orwell quote is meaningless, reds like you were supporting Mao, Ho and Fidel a generation ago and Uncle Joe two back.
By the way where are you getting your news, from Al Jazeera or Osama's tapes?


Your comments along with most people on this thread sound like those of right wing imperialists whose only goal is to keep white supremacy alive and breathing. These Muslim countries don't represent the true ideology of Islam, maybe if you actually understood the religion and stopped basing your whole ideology on hate we'd get somewhere in the world. Most Muslim countries are completely corrupt and don't follow the Islamic religion. Don't condemn a whole ideology of people on the corruption manifested in countries that are just as bad as the U.S. and Israel.


People who use juvenile Marxiat jargon like "right wing imperialists " are usually leftwing totalitarian cheeleaders who say nothing when some Communist or third world regime kills million in some gradioise purge or social engineering plans but screams in outrage when Israel fights back agains the the anti-Semtici Muslim hordes who wish her dead. Fact is , the Koran is loaded with anti-Semtic and anti-Christian lines and Muslims consider it a duty to rule over those other relgiions, reducing them to mere subjects. For instance, Jews can't even travel to, much less be a citizen of, many Muslim countries. And since the more Muslim a country is, the more homicidal it's attitude towards Jews and Israel are, ala Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, I would prefer the more corrupt, less Islamic ones. Anyways, you sound like the defenders of Communism who after faced with the latest crimes against humanity from some Marxist regime, would cluck about how they weren't real Communists.

Go check out some of their media outlets and you would think that the Nazis themselves were writing their screed. They produce TV series that treat the "Protocls of the ELders of Zion" is fact or that Jews use Muslim babies blood and flesh for pastries. Their imagery is lifted right out of Der Sturmer or the Volkischer Beobachter.

But it's only us guys who fight back that are the bad guys, not the millions of Muslims who joined up with Hitler during WW ll or want to annihilate Israel, they are just oppressed workers or victims of imperialism or some junk term like that.

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.



You are so shallow and stupid, you made no attemmt to rebut any of my arguments, so you just put a label on me so you can safely dismiss my argument. Since the Muslims mainly collaborated with the Nazis during WW ll and evicted almost all their Jews since 1948, I'll just call you a Nazi pig hiding under the false flag of anti-racism, that made me feel good and it is accurate to a degree. Sorry, I stand for universal human rights as enunciated under the original UN Charter, which is diametrically opposite as what is practiced in most Islamic countries where Muslim males have civil rights at everyone else's expense.
I am not an Islamophobe, you ignorant, politically correct toad, but someone who not only studied the subject but traveled to their crummy countries. So take your juvenile PC jargon and stuff it back in your Sociology 101 textbook. Bet you are so stupid that you didn't even know it's against the law for a Jew to be in Saudi Arabia, the most Islamic country. Or know how Copts are treated in the advanced republic of Egypt. God, you are stupid.



Most of the Arab world WAS NOT occupied by the Nazis you putz. Only parts of Libya, Algeria and Tunisia, in North Africa, were occupied by Nazis. Britain occupied Palestine while the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a guest of Hitler and praised the Holocaust. Your pal, the Mufti, was killing Jews long before WW ll, so don't lay this crap on me. So you are either a moron or a Jew hating scum. Nasser was influenced by the Nazis and gave them sanctuary after WW ll. The Nazis staged a coup in in British occupied Iraq which failed, but the Arabs who helped them later became the nucleus of the Baath Party. Arab countries routinely put out anti Semitic screed that would have embarrassed Goebbels, but let's forget about that too. Or the Hanskar SS Division, composed of Bosnian Muslims, obviously they joined cause of the persecution they received from the Jews.

Yes, you liar, the Arab countries all but evicted their Jews after Israel resisted their invasions and survived, like those tolerant Jordanians did to the anti-Zionist Chasids in East Jerusalem after 1948. Israel allows the Muslims access and control of the Grand Mosque, but when your pals ran East Jerusalem, they wouldn't let any Jews in at all to visit the Wailing Wall. Listen, your Jew hating Muslim Arab pals were going to throw all the Jews into the sea or kill them if they won, so I figure that the Hamas loving garbage in the so called Palestinian territories got off rather easy considering what they had in store for the Jews if they won. But why dwell on that. only the Jews are bad guys, right?

So be the hypocritical pig you are and slander Israel while giving your Arab pals a pass. Remember this, both the Nazis and Communists had fellow traveller scum like you who defended them by calling the anti-Nazis and anti-Communists bigots. If you were around in WW ll, you would have defended the Nazis by calling them victims of Jewish and American anti-German bigotry. Why should Israel make peace with trash like you or your Arab pals who don't even recognize their right to exist? Are we supposed to be suicidal morons to appease vermin?



Once again, you ignore the facts inconvenient to you. I never said you were either a Communist or a Nazi. You are worse, you defend monsters like them out of some degenerate miss-placed idealism, as Lenin would call it, a useful idiot. Since we aren't perfect, you side with the devil out of childish idealism.

Here is a thought experiment, imagine Israel was run by say another bunch of Muslims or Arabs, like the Turks or Alawites. They could have murdered and evicted every last Palestinian and useful morons like you wouldn't bat an eye. People mainly care about the Palestinians because the Jews run Israel and they hate Jews. Arabs and Muslims kill and oppress others and each other all the time in other countries but no one cares. Where were all the right thinking folks of your ilk during Saddam's heyday? Look at Sudan, how many millions murdered there, and those people were no threat to the people in power in Khartoum, unlike the rabble in the West Bank and Gaza praying for all the Jews to burn then attempting to carry that out!


And the Muslims you shill for a way more bigoted than the Israelis you insult. Just look at whose side they were on in WW ll. By the way, I'm an American, so I am insulted by your racist, hypocritical little douchebag insult.

What are they doing? Why do they come here?
Some kind of instinct, memory, what they used to do.



What? Where?



This is news to you?

At least you'll never be a vegetable - even artichokes have hearts!


And the Muslim arab trash you support are far worse, so stuff it!


Israal is controlled by ashkenazi jews (jews from central and east Europe), who sistematically discrimate other groups of jews like mizrahi jews (jews from arab countries) and sefardi jews (jews exepelled from Spain and Portugal in the XV century).

Black people from Africa who converted to judaism are not even considered jews by most israeli population and are not welcomed in Israel.

That is the reality.

Of couse there is racism and discrimination in Israel like in many other countries of the world.


