MovieChat Forums > Paradise Now (2005) Discussion > TOO MUCH POLITICAL HOT AIR ON THIS BOARD...


I think the film was an incredible work of art. It was good to see the Palestinian/Isreali conflict from another point of view. The fact that this film was made at all under those conditions was astounding, and the leads were excellent.

One thing I couldn't get out of my head was how much like Isrealis Said and Khalid looked after they shaved and got suits. Was that the director's way of saying people are similar under the uniforms?


yeah I am agree. This board seems merely a political arena instead a movie board. I mean I came here expecting to see several political discussions since this movie has a heavy load of political implications. But At least I expected to see "SOME" threads about the technical and artistic merits of this film. Sadly there are none.
All what I've seen are fanatic zionists vs anti-semites (or should I say "Anti-Israel" since the palestinians are semites themselves) and people in between discussing on who's more to blame on the palestinian-israelite conflict.
I am not as biased as many on this board (everybody has bias to some extent though) since I am not israelite, palestinian jew, muslim, arab, US citizen neither anti-semite nor zionist.
So I can talk about how refreshing is to see this kind of stories being told from a new perspective, the palestinian one in this case, I am not going to judge how's right and who's wrong since I dunno. I just want to say that a movie about this conflict from the palestinian point of view was necessary.
I enjoyed this movie by its own artistic merits, IMO This film is superior to Tsotsi, the winner of the academy award for best foreign picture that year, but since I haven't seen the other nominees I can't tell for sure if this movie deserved the oscar.

A brave effort by the director/writer, actors and producers. Hope to see more from them in the future.

They who believe that the money does everything, end by doing everything for money


My thoughts exactly Alfa.




Not only do Said and Khalid look like Middle Eastern Jews, but if you substitute "Palestine/Palestinian" for "Israel" and "Israel" for "Palestine/Palestinian" in many of the scenes, the feelings expressed by all the characters mirror the same feelings expressed by Israelis and Jews.

For example, the video-taped message Khaled recites:

Israel views partnership with and equality for the Palestinians under the same democratic system as suicide for the Jewish state. Nor will they accept a two-state compromise even though that is not fair to the Palestinians. We are to either accept the occupation forever or disappear. We've tried with all possible means to end the occupation with political and peaceful means. Despite it all, Israel continues to build settlements, confiscate land, Judaize Jerusalem and carry out ethnic cleansing. They use their war machine and their political and economical might to force us to accept their solution: that either we accept inferiority, or we will be killed.

And Israeli/Jew:

Palestinians view partnership with and equality for the Israelis/Jews under the same democratic system as suicide for the Palestinian state/Arab world. Nor will they accept a two-state compromise - they want all of Israel in addition to Gaza and the West Bank - even though that is not fair to the Israelis who made Israel a prosperous and modern nation but are expected to turn everything they built up over to Palestinians. We are to either accept Palestinian terrorism forever and never fight back, or disappear. We've tried with all possible means to end the terrorism with political and peaceful means. Despite it all, Palestinians continue to attack Israel, demand all of Israel [right of return] for themselves, desecrate Jewish Holy cites, and want Jews ethnically cleansed from the West Bank. They use suicide bombings and exploit their humanitarian crisis to terrorize Israelis and garner international sympathy, forcing Israel to accept their solution: that Israel accept inferiority by becoming the a Palestinian majority nation, or be killed.

Or Suha's comment to Khaled about suicide bombing:

That's no sacrifice. That's revenge. If you kill, there's no difference between victim and occupier.

Many people feel that Israel's military operations are not defensive operations, but revenge operations, and view Israel not as a victim of attacks, but as a victimizer attacking/genociding/occupying victims.

Suha again:

Don't you see that what you're doing is destroying us? And that you give Israel an excuse to carry on?

Many people feel that what the Israeli government does pertaining to Palestinians is destroying Israel and giving Palestinians a valid reason to continue attacking Israel.

So much of the dialogue applies to both sides, it is startling.

Said's closing speech is also heavily anti-Palestinian, the occupation and oppression is the occupation and oppression of Palestinian leadership.

And substitute the speaker for a Jewish person living in a pre-WWII Ghetto [refugee camp...] and you are listening to the point of view of a Jewish person describing life in a Jewish ghetto.
