MovieChat Forums > Paradise Now (2005) Discussion > couldn't finishing watching this...

couldn't finishing watching this...

too much Israeli propaganda.

But it was funny to see the Israelis POV, in how they naively think all of this is not their fault.

Fine...they can have their own version of the "Matrix", if they please.


How ignorant are you?


not nearly enough to be converted by this propaganda.



does he mean Israeli or Palestinian POV?


You are ignorant because you think Israelis are Palestinians. Israelis are Jews who, after world war II, decided to invade Palestinian territorry because it had once been theirs 3000 years ago. Palestinians are Arabs who have been living their for thousands and thousands of years only to have it snatched away from them by a bunch of butchers. The terrorists in this film were Palestinians, and none of the political situation was their fault. I don't see why the Jews have the right to steal land from Muslims because of a crazy Christian purist.

black and white movies were better


First of all, I enjoyed this movie. It was very well scripted, directed and acted. It's an important movie, as it shows us the daily life - and the motivation - of the terrorists. Having said that, please get your facts straight: there has been a continuous (if small) Jewish presence in Jerusalem and Safed for three thousand years. Jews started immigrating to Palestine en masse long before WW2; the first big settlement occurring between 1880 - 1903. Arabs have indeed lived on the territory for hundreds of years but most definitely NOT "thousands and thousands". After WW2, some of these Arabs became Jordanian citizens, some became Israeli citizens. As a political, national movement, the Palestinian entity is not even 50 years old, as prior to 1967 no one had ever heard of "Palestinians"

Both nations, Jews and Arabs (Palestinians) have a natural right and a natural claim to the land. This will only be provided for by a two state solution, which - despite religious zealots on both sides - is inevitable.

As I said - great movie but historical facts should not be ignored.


I really wouldn't say that I "ignored" historical facts. There are some important facts that you have brought to my attention, but you choose to ignore the fact that even if there were Jews there for 3000 years, it is obvious that the whole reigon belongs to the Arabs. It doesn't matter if they were not called Palestinians, and it doesn't even matter if they were Muslims. There have been Arabs there since even before Islam, which is almost 1500 years old, and the Jews more or less abandoned the area, but for some reason in the last 50 years, they have decided that they want it back again. Even though the Jews do have somewhat of a claim to the land, they should just take a hint that no one in the area wants them there, and all they are doing is causing trouble. Muslims are instructed by the Qur'an to be very peaceful, as it is Allah's job to judge, but it specifically states in the Qur'an to fight back by any means necessary when attacked. Israel has incited violence to which there may be no end.

black and white movies were better


I think you meant Palestinian. There wasn't any Israeli propaganda.

"Cross my heart and kiss my elbow."



that's a very stupid thing to say. the movie never chooses sides.
