Good movie during a snow storm.

So we got hit over the last few days in this area with a good snowstorm, and as the sun was setting and after it had set the other night, the overall look of the surrounding area reminded me of the winter visuals of IWTB, so, guess what found it's way back into the dvd player?

It seems like each time I watch this X-Files installment, I ease into it just a little more than I did the last time and enjoy it even more. And I personally think that is the key. Going into it with any form of resistance, which as we know may stem from various reasons, is what I believe keeps those who don't like it from enjoying it in the first place.

Not the only conundrum in The X-Files world though.


This movie is good reason for CC to take the new X Files show back to its Vancouver roots. Those sunny SoCal eps just didn't feel right.


I agree about that. I really like the wintery atmosphere of this film.

Not so much the completely irrelevant storyline, however.
Moderators are terrorists.


by darthleather2011 » Not so much the completely irrelevant storyline, however.

Opinions vary.


watching it right now during one!


you could have just watched The Thing..... or 30 days of Night.... or even dreamcatcher..


All good options too.


Lol! Totally agreed!


Well when you look at it like that, for me it would either be The X-Files or Doctor Zhivago. Anything else would simply pale in comparison.


Just a side question, does anyone know any episodes of the show that were filmed in actual snow? I dont mean fake snow created on sound stage. Were there any, ever? I've been watching the show since its very beginning in 93 but dont remember any such episodes or scenes, but then again there's been so many scenes and episodes I could miss something.


I remember a few scenes that appeared to have been filmed in a wintry climate although I'm not sure if I'm remembering the correct epsiodes. What came to mind were Gethsemane (finding the possible fake alien in the ice cave), The Red and The Black (CSM hiding out in a cabin in the mountains), and Scary Monsters (where Doggett, Reyes, and Harrison are snowed in with the little kid who can make monsters come to life).

It seemed like some of those scenes were actually filmed outside in wintery conditions anyway.
