Zooey Deschanel?

I've only caught bits and pieces of this movie on Grit TV ("Television with backbone!") and when I caught the closing credits I was surprised to see Zooey Deschanel had a part in it. It seems like it would a stretch from her usual quirky/funny persona.


I guess you're asking what part she plays. She plays Robert Ford's girlfriend in his later years (early 1890s). It's a rather small part with only a few lines. She has a scene with Bob where she asks why he killed Jesse.

It's a different kind of role for her, to be sure. But then again, it's a relatively small one.


Honestly, I'm pretty sick of the singing in every movie routine. I get it, she's also a musician and can sing well. Is this a matter of her being the go-to for roles like this, or does she seek them out exclusively? Maybe i'm being petty but I find it irksome.


I've only caught bits and pieces of this movie on Grit TV ("Television with backbone!") and when I caught the closing credits I was surprised to see Zooey Deschanel had a part in it.

I encourage you to see the movie if for no other reason than her stunning stage sequence in the last half hour. It's relatively brief, but mind-blowing nevertheless.

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