What was CG...

...and what wasn't? I ask because I was sure that the first shot of the growth of the orange tree was CGI. As I was listening to the audio commentary, the director gave the impression that it was a practical effect, and CGI was only used to depict the oranges coming to fruition. I don't have the disc anymore, so I can't transcribe his exact words. Does anyone know what was CG and what wasn't?

Answer not a troll according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
- Opinions 26:4


There is no way in hell that was a practical effect. This is what it was based on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SifVpjigRhM & to todays audience it looks lame, but you have to realise this was first performed in the 1840's.

So sweetbreads are meat & sweetmeats are pastry? What a world we live in.


Yes, I am aware of what the trick was based on, and have seen several videos of the real orange tree trick performed. The question is, was the director saying that most of the effect in the film was accomplished practically? If someone with the DVD could transcribe that part of the commentary, we could get closer to the answer.

Answer not a troll according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
- Opinions 26:4

