MovieChat Forums > The Girl in the Café (2005) Discussion > Is it even possible to do what they were...

Is it even possible to do what they were proposing?

They were talking about saving thousands of children from dying each day.

Don't you also have to save them tomorrow? And then the next batch the next day? Adding exponentially, saving them every day? And then saving their children when they are born? I'm lost as to how this can happen.
The birth rate always exceeds the death rate, how many can the earth support? I'm not saying it isn't tragedy that this happens, I just don't understand how it's possible to accomplish this. Extreme generosity of the haves? Voluntary childlessness?


Well, that's why it's said. Give a man a piece of bread, and you'll save him for one day. Teach him how to cultivate cereal and you'll save his life. That's what all of this is about. They don't have enough water in those areas of the world, they don't have the machines, the technical equipment to work the land. Then take Dubai. Middle of the desert, and they've got everything, swimming pools, golf courses. This shows it's not impossible to create life from the desert. But what's needed is money AND knowledge. It can't be done with sending some bread and a can of water. And I didn't even mention the problem with diseases that were created by poverty. Aids is one of them. Money AND knowledge.

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I thought nobody knows where Aids comes from?
So you are saying that it can't be done one way. Is there another way?


That's true, but it's a fact that the poor countries have an incredible high rate of people dying from AIDS, because there's a terrible lack of information how to do it safer.

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Sorry that is a myth. They don't have the resources to test for AIDS in poor countries.

They just label anyone who dies of things like pneumonia as having AIDS, because in rich countries that would be a symptom. In poor countries it's more common to die of certain diseases due to malnutrition, nothing to do with AIDS.


sources, proof?


Did ya hear that AIDs might have come from animals? Like you know how BSE can infect humans? And bird flu? Well there is a theory that the virus was caught off an animal then it mutated into HIV and bahoom! Nasty stuff it is. Came from Africa though I think.
Oh and Ebola's another nasty disease. But it doesn't kill many people because those who catch it are obviously infected and die very quickly so they don't come into contact with many people.


I don't know a lot about this, so others could help me here. I believe it can be done. I just saw this film on DVD last night and thought it was very good. The special features refer you to the One website, which has a lot of information about what people are proposing to do to help. You could also take a look at Partners in Health online - an organization founded by Dr. Paul Farmer. It doesn't take our extreme generosity, just enough to set people, even in our own countries, down a path such that they can do better for themselves.

It's not just about charity, it's also about putting healthcare structures in place and educating people. It's not like you save thousands today and thousands tomorrow. You vaccinate kids, you make arv drugs affordable, you relieve debt so countries aren't caught in hopeless cycles of dependence, and on and on like that. Then those places can get on their feet and do their part too. It can definitely be done, and the cost is minimal compared to what we in the US spend on other things. It's not hopeless or endless at all.


To Puzzle Queen, cgrosso has the answer; also, I suggest you look up for all the information that will lead to a resolution to this problem; break the poverty cycle, and the number of children born will be reduced, etc etc etc.

from aussietony


The birth rate tends to naturally decline when mortality does.


I must say I really like that line..

" I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code. "


Also the more educated and technologically advanced a society becomes, the lower the birth rate.

Stop Genocide NOW


No, it's next to impossible. People born in those countries are doomed from the start. Yeah, nations with great amounts of natural resources and dictatorial corrupt governments do not necessarily look after the best interests of their poorer subjects.

Besides, this movie sucked major ass!


Hey Geisha - Educate yourself. It's not that simple.


Read "The End of Poverty" by Jeffrey Sachs for a hard-eyed look at this by a global economist who proves that it IS possible; all that's missing is the will to do it. 0.7% of GDP was what each industrialized nation pledged in 2000, and that's what it would take - 7 cents out of every 10 dollars.


And I think that's the exact intention of the film. Showing that it could happen, if someone makes them want to. How realistic that is, is another story, alas.

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The problem is that humanity would all have to agree, or at least a bigger percentage than might ever happen.



"The End of Poverty" by Jeffrey Sachs is one of the most inpiring books I've ever read, and highly recommended for anyone who was touched by this movie.
It puts to rest many of the questions you may have, like,
"If we save a child today, isn't that one more hungry adult we need to feed tomorrow?",
"Why is AIDS such a big problem in Africa? Are people less moral and more promiscuous there?",
"If we stop infant disease and death, won't that mean an even bigger population explosion?",
"Isn't it pointless giving money to developing countries because their leaders are so corrupt?"


I agree. The End of Poverty is a good book. Sachs uses hard facts, data, to show that a lot of the myths about poverty don't stand up to scrutiny.


It's my understanding that people in Africa are more promiscuous.


the birth rate is lower than the death rate in russia
